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You thought a lot about time—its constant churning. Every moment is another moment's future yet also another moment's past.

Each article of clothing that you placed into this bag brought back each moment of the past in this terrible place and made me a bit hopeful of the future. Shirt after shirt being neatly folded into your duffle had been through so much and there was so much a washing machine could do.

"Freedom at last..."  you thought to yourself but yet thought about your two year plan in detail.

You constantly rehearsed it to yourself: "enter UA, finish two years, and disappear before the class graduates."

"(Y/N), you're guardian is here to pick you up," your social worker said from outside the room you were staying in.


You placed your last pair of shirt in your bag and looked back at your now bare room.

This room was as if Melissa S Born was writing about it:

It was Damp, dirty, white walls that held the cold inside the room as if it were collecting it. 

A single dancing light, projected from the last dying candle, flickered across the walls, moving to an unseen rhythm.  The lone window, high on the outside wall, allowed only one tiny gleam of sunlight in to pronounce the time of day. 

Scratches in the stone and rusty chains hung with eerie decoration as a reminder of the past.  Thick white spider webs flowed across the room, shimmering in the candle light, and a lone live victim struggled against the intricate design that swung gently in the wind.  Wrapped tightly in silk threads its will faded as the owner of the beautiful, but deadly, creation approached carrying hunger in its many eyes.  Rats squealed and padded across the hard floor, their nails scraping the ground as they scattered away from the crystal webs as if in fear they would be caught too.

A tray of bread and water sat untouched beside the thick rotted wood door.  A rough, worn leather mat, still warm, with a balled-up blanket thrown carelessly on top, as if forgotten, sprawled out beneath the window.  Beside the make-shift bed a broken chunk of brick left a chalky residue, that formed drawings of a small stick-figure wrapped in a blanket, surrounded by tiny stick forms with wings, in the thick dust on the floor.  The only indication of life, bare footprints, those small enough to be from you, imprinted in the dirt next to the mat, glowed with tiny sparkles that lead to the window.

And yet the emptiness of this grotesque room engulfed you with bizarre confinement yet freedom.

"(Y/N)!" The social worker yelled through the door.

Knowing her, you knew she would soon lash out but also reading that pathetic mind of hers she knew that she was unable to do anything that would make your guardian suspicious, especially since your guardian was from the prestigious hero school, UA high.

You soon took a deep breath and turned away from the room and opened the door. Just one more barrier and your plan would be in effect.

"Enter UA, finish two years, and disappear before the class graduates."

It was the common method that was used when going to regular non-quirk schools and it was a method that was full proof.

"Took you long enough," the social worker spat towards you while grabbing the collar of your shirt and practically dragging you through the halls towards the room where your guardian was suppose to be, " I honestly don't know how the hell they heard about you especially since your are so pathetic!"

"If you think I am pathetic, then you don't want to know what the person you slept with last night thought about you—-or will find out about you when he goes to get his checkup in the next week."

Dreams can become reality--Izuku Midoriya X Reader--Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now