Part one:

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Harry walked the quiet hallway. It was a little before midnight and he needed to check again to see if everything is packed away and without anything missing. Harry was on his way back to the bedroom when a sharp pain went through his stomach, almost like he was being stabbed. Harry gasped and clutched his stomach expecting to feel blood on his fingers, but there was none. He leaned against the wall as the pain intensified. The pain got too much for Harry and he slid down the wall. He tried not to make any noise as he stood to walk to his bedroom. He took three staggering footsteps before he collapsed to the ground. Harry heard footsteps approaching and he tried to get up. His body wasn't having it so he collapsed again. Harry heard a voice above him calling his name. He knew the voice all too well. "Harry can you hear me?" Vernon asked worriedly. He heard a small groan like whimper come from Harry. Vernon was immediately at his side. He placed a hand on Harry. "Harry Petunia and Dudley are going to help you stand so we can take you to the infirmary," Vernon said. Harry groaned. Dudley and Petunia lifted Harry's arms around their necks. Harry was slowly starting to feel better. Half way to St. Mungo's Dudley began taking a bit of weight off of His mom. "Madame Asclepius!" Vernon called frantically. She was in the room a second later pulling Harry from Dudley and Petunia and laying him on a bed.
"what happened?" she asked as she did a diagnostic spell on the boy in the bed. "I-I don't know I was walking back to my room when I found Harry face down in the hallway," Vernon said, panic creeping into his voice. At the end of Vernon's explanation Madame Asclepius gasped. "Harry dear can you hear me?" Madame Asclepius asked. Harry breathed in deeply before opening his eyes. "Harry what happened?" Madame Asclepius asked. Vernon was confused by the crypticness of the question because he already told her what happened. Harry sighed he didn't know what she was talking about. "I went downstairs to make sure everything is packed for tomorrow and when I was walking back to my room I was in pain," Harry said. Madame Asclepius knew exactly what to look for. " Harry dear you went through your creature inheritance so I will run some spells to know everything. She saw Harry give a nod

birth certificate:
Name: Haden Sirius Lestrange-Snape-Grayback
Fake name: Harry James Potter
Mother: Belltrix lestrange-Snape-Grayback
Fake mother: Lily potter nee black
Father: Severus Tobias Snape-Grayback
Fake father: James Potter
True Age: 18
Order Age: 14
(youngest twin )Harmony Narcissa Lestrange-Snape-Grayback (Hermione Granger)
(middle Twin) Ryder Remus Lestrange-Snape- Grayback(Ronald Wesley)

Sirius Black ( alive,innocent)
Remus Lupin( Alive)
Lucius Malfoy (Alive)
Narcissa Malfoy (Alive)
Lily Potter nee Black (Alive, in Hiding)
James Potter( Alive, In hiding)

Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Barty Crouch JR
Nymphadora Black
Vernon Dursley
Petunia Dursley nee black

Fenrir Greyback
Barty Crouch Greyback


Potter Vault (Withdrawals by Albus Dumbledore every month)
Riddle Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Founder's Co-Vaults (Multiple vaults) Gryffindor Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Slytherin Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Ravenclaw vaults (Multiple vaults)
Hufflepuff vaults (Multiple vaults)
Perevelle Vaults (Multiple; Withdrawals by Albus Dumbledore every month)
Guant Vaults (Multiple Vaults)
Lestrange Vault ( Multiple Vaults)
Emrys Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Lupin vaults (Multiple vaults)
Black vaults(Multiple Vaults)
Student vault (Taken by Harry Potter)
Prince vault( Multiple Vaults)
Merlin vault( Multiple Vaults)
Dursley Vault (Multiple Vaults)

Creature Inheritance:
Species: Vampire,Werewolf,Dragon
D/s: Dom
Mate(s): submissive:Tom Marvolo Riddle (Neko,Snake,Raven)

Multiple Animagus( 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Wandless Magic (50% Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Wordless Magic (50% Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Enhanced Senses(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Parseltongue(50% blocked by Albus Dumbledore )
Intelligence (80% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Skilled legilimens(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Occulmens(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore
abilities(100%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
exceptional duelist with a wand( 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Healing (100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Necromancy(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Empathy (100%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Reptaliamagic(100%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)

Core: Gold higher then merlins(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)

Lord and Heirships:
Lord of all elements,animals, and magic itself.


Godric's Hallow
Potter Manor
Chamber of Secrets
Ravenclaw Castle
Hufflepuff Mansion
Camelot Hogwarts
Slytherin castle
Griffindor Mansion
Riddle manor
Prince Manor
Potter Mansion
Lestrange Castle
Dursley Manor

Blind hatred for anything dark.
Blind hatred for Tom Riddle.
Blind hatred for Severus Snape.
Blind hatred for Bellatrix Lestrange.
Loyalty to Albus Dumbeldore ( worn off) Loyalty to Order of the Phoenix (worn off) Loyalty to Wesley family (worn off)
All administered by Albus Dumbeldore.

Mind altering spells,
love potion,
compulsion charms and loyalty spells detected(keyed to Albus Dumbledore and Ginny Wesley (Dumbledore).)

Other notes:
Obliviatives since age 2
Kidnapped at age 2
Forced Glamour

Hedwig (snow owl)
Fawx (Phoenix)

When the paper came to a stop she was angry with Dumbledore and everything he stood for. " Vernon, Petunia here are the results." She handed them the paper and they were both shocked. "TAKE EVERYTHING OFF OF MY NEPHEW RIGHT NOW" Vernon said with so much venom. The doctor called for a goblin to come in since that wasn't what her magic can do. "Hello I'm Griphook I'm here to remove spells charms and potions" Griphook said in a monotone voice. " Griphook finally someone to help Harry got his creature inheritance tonight and found this" Vernon said with a angry and sad tone and handed Griphook the paper. Griphook was beyond pissed. " Vernon I am the king of the Goblins and I want you to know we will protect you and everyone in your family and I will remove the spells at once" Griphook said with a tone where there will be no questions. After everything was removed they took him home where his family and mate wait

Creature inheritance (On Pause)Where stories live. Discover now