Part 8: Ron finds out the truth

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It was another normal day for Ron, wake up to his family yelling about telling him the truth, eat breakfast, do his chores and shower. Though Ron was soon to be in his fourth year at Hogwarts he still had no idea what his family wants to tell him , not since Dumbledore had told his family they are safe at Hogwarts not in the burro. So, Ron was stuck in Hogwarts and Dumbledore without Harry and Hermione , where he would undoubtedly be behind of everyone yet again because he doesn't have his friends keeping him on track, due to all his things besides his familiars Romeo and Rose (dragon and hippogriff) not being allowed in Hogwarts.Though the day was normal this night certainly wasn't, the days dread that Ron felt came as pain went through his whole body as soon as he screamed  his family ran to the room through the door. They were visibly nervous. Ron didn't know what was going on. He was pleading prays that the pain goes away but they were not heard it seemed, as his family eyes zeroed in on him and with a bellowing "Ron " she screamed louder for help as her family came closer to him all of  sudden he passed out and his parents ran to him. However, it seemed that nothing his family's magic can could do would help him now, " okay everyone me and Arthur are going to take him to Madam Poppy boys go tell harry and Hermione what's going on and Ginny fire call Dumbledore" molly said knowing the truth.
They just made it to madam Poppy by his dad carrying him. Molly was yelling, but Ron could hardly tell what about, all he could focus on was the pain. Suddenly the pain tripled as poppy casted a spell the pain just kept coming and coming and soon enough Ro  couldnt hold in his sounds, a high  pitched pained filled sob falling out of his mouth. Poppy hearing this went on with another spell for Ron and he thought he felt his magic and that of two other soothing presence wrap around him, but that didn't make sense to him because it felt like Harry and Hermione but stronger , his magic had never flared and appeared whenever he was hurt. Ron's eyes finally open and he was able to see that his family Harry and Hermione and other people where here. "Poppy what happened?" He said, " you went through a creature inheritance" poppy said, now he was confused " can I see the paper you have in your hand poppy" as he said that his mom said " Ron when you read that you need to know that we only did this to protect you from the evil man." He automatically thought of Voldemort as poppy handed him his papers.

birth certificate:
Name: Ryder Remus Lestrange-Snape- Grayback
Fake name: Ronald Bilius Weasley
Mother: Belltrix lestrange-Snape-Grayback
Fake mother: Molly Weasley
Father: Severus Tobias Snape-Grayback
Fake father: Arthur Weasley
True Age: 18 
Order Age: 14
(youngest twin )Harmony Narcissa Lestrange-Snape-Grayback (Hermony Granger)
(Older Twin) Haden Sirius Lestrange-Snape-Grayback ( Harry James Potter)
Sirius Black (alive,innocent)
Remus Lupin( Alive)
Lucius Malfoy (Alive)
Narcissa Malfoy (Alive)
Lily evens-Potter(Alive, in Hiding)
James Potter( Alive, In hiding)
Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Barty Crouch JR
Nymphadora Black
Fenrir Greyback
Barty Crouch Greyback
Weasley Vault (Withdrawals by Albus Dumbledore every month)
Secret Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Founder's Co-Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Gryffindor Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Slytherin Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Ravenclaw vaults (Multiple vaults)
Hufflepuff vaults (Multiple vaults) Creature Vaults (Multiple; Withdrawals by Albus Dumbledore every month)
Snape Vaults (Multiple Vaults)
Lestrange Vault ( Multiple Vaults)
Emrys Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Lupin vaults (Multiple vaults)
Black vaults(Multiple Vaults)
Student vault (Taken by Ronald Weasley )
Prince vault( Multiple Vaults)
Merlin vault( Multiple Vaults)
Creature Inheritance:
Species: Vampire,Werewolf,Dragon
D/s: Dom
Mate(s): Dom/Sub: Blaise Zaben ( Dragon, Vella) and submissive Draco Malfoy (Vella,Neko)
Multiple Animagus( 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Wandless Magic (50% Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Wordless Magic (50%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Enhanced Senses(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Parseltongue(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore )
Intelligence (100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Skilled legilimens(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Occulmens(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore
abilities(100%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
exceptional duelist with a wand( 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Healing (100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Necromancy(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Empathy (100%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Reptaliamagic(100%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Core: Gold higher then merlins(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Lord and Heirships: 
King of all elements,animals, and magic itself.
Godric's Hallow
Weasley Manor
Chamber of Secrets
Ravenclaw Castle
Hufflepuff Mansion
Camelot Hogwarts
Slytherin castle
Griffindor Mansion
Snape manor
Prince Manor
Pruitt Mansion
Lestrange Castle
Blind hatred for anything dark.
Blind hatred for Tom Riddle.
Blind hatred for Draco Malfoy.
Blind hatred for anyone Slytherin.
Loyalty to Albus Dumbeldore (worn off)
Loyalty to Order of the Phoenix (worn off)
Loyalty to Light family (worn off)
All administered by Albus Dumbeldore.
Mind altering spells,
love potion to Lavender Brown ( given by Albus Dumbledore)
compulsion charms and loyalty spells detected(keyed to Albus Dumbledore and Ginny Wesley (Dumbledore).)
Other notes:
Obliviatives since age 2
Kidnapped at age 2
Forced Glamour
To say he was mad was an understatement " what the fuck! How is Ginny Dumbledore's daughter? And why would he do this?" As he said that his dad gave him a potion to get rid of glamours and oblivitation and potions on him as he took the potion Hermione and Harry dropped their glamours. " I always felt that when we were Ron Harry and Hermione that they felt like my brother and sister but I thought is was a strong friendship. Wait how is Ginny related to Dumbledore?" As he said this Harmony and Hadrian say next to him and used their magic to calm him down. " Ryder, Dumbledore had a mate Gellert Grindelwald and Dumbledore got pregnant and killed him and once he had Ginny he came to our home and gave us Ginny but tried to obliviate us to think Ginny was ours but with the ruins around the house it didn't work we always knew the truth but couldn't tell you for your safety. Vernon and Petunia are pure bloods and Dumbledore made you and Harmony think they abuse Hadrian but they never did they are family." Once Molly was done he felt his mates coming. Blade and Draco looked confused and nervous "is it true, you are out Dominant mate. We have been waiting a long time for you." Blaise said as he looked up at Ryder. Draco smiled up at him. "Yeah I was hoping it was you two. I've fancied you two since I first saw you." Ron said as a blush covered his cheeks, one that Draco and Blaise found really cute. "Congrats you three, I know you are good for one another." Hadrian said. "But we don't have warn you two if you hurt our brother you will regret it?" Harmony said, Hadrian nodding beside her. Usually Draco and Blaise would torture those that spoke to them in this manor, but they knew that they were just protecting their brother that they had only got back. "Of course not, like we said we have been waiting for him for a long time, we are not going to lose him." Draco said, looking up at Ryder with a smile on his face. Hadrian , Harmony and everyone else in the room all smiled at the scene they made. "Now I must warn you that Ryder is not going to want to be away from his mate." The goblin told them. "And why is that?" Harmony asked. "Simple. Ryder only became a creature a short time ago and the mating bond has just begun. Because of this they are going to want to be in constant touch or sights of one another to assure themselves that their mate is really there." The goblin explained to them. "Will they have a feeling to complete the mating bond?" Dad asked, thinking it strange to think of his son doing that. "Oh no. They will not feel that way yet the bond is still too new, however it will not be that long until they begin to have the tug of wanting to complete the bond it is natural." The goblin told them. "Well at least I won't feel the need to jump their bones." Ryder said with a smile to his family. Draco and Blaise laughed and soon everyone, including the goblin, were laughing along with him.

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