Part 11: Umbridge finds out

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Delores sat behind her desk and stared at the door. She was reliving the events that took place in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic. Potter bravely put himself in harms way to rescue He who must not been named. Tom Riddle was the one that almost died. Thanks to Harry, Tom was alive and well. The fight in the Atrium led many to believe that Tom had been telling the truth the whole time. The Minister for Magic himself witnessed the confrontation between Harry and Albus. Albus had finally attempted to do the one thing that Tom feared the most. He attempted to possess Harry however briefly. Fortunately for everyone, Harry's soul was so dark that Albus did not stay in for long. Delores had no doubt that Albus has been lying about something. From there, the Ministry officials sat down and listened with a careful expression to everything that Harry had to tell them. "Minister Fudge," said Harry loud enough for everyone to hear. "My friends, family, and I have discovered some interesting information that may help us to end this war once and for all. You have witnessed with your own eyes that Tom has been telling you the truth for a years now. It is time that action be taken to stop the spread of the Albus army. We can win this if you only listen to what we are trying to tell you. We have chosen our side. It is time for you to do the same. We want the end of Albus Dumbledor. It is time for the side of the dark to win. However we can not do it without your help. Please listen to us this time. We can end this once and for all." Tom was so proud of Harry that night. He stood up for his beliefs and spoke his mind. By the end of the evening he had the Minister of Magic on his knees begging for forgiveness. It was two days later that Cornelius Fudge resigned as Minster and he and his wife took the mark and Delores Umbridge was the new minister . It wasn't until she was heading home that she fell. She didn't know what was going on she was young and not stressed so she traveled to Gringgots. " Excuse me Goblins of Grunggots I was wondering if you can find out what's wrong with me and I feel you would know" she said. " Follow me this way witch" said a small goblin. " hello I'm Griphook to tell us who you are we will do an inheritance in you". I don't know why Goblins where being so nice to me but I said "That's fine with me". "Please put three blood drops in this paper". I did as was asked/said. The paper was done. "Well seems that Albus didn't only mess with two family's but three". What did he mean "May I see the paper" He handed me the paper and I was shocked
birth certificate:
Real name: Isabella Marie Skinner
Fake name: Dolores Jane Umbridge
Mother: Rita Skinner
Fake mother: Ellen Cracknell
Father: Cornelius Fudge
Fake father: Orford Umbridge
True Age: 30
Order Age: 50
Siblings: None
Godparents: James Skinner
Jasmine Fudge
Bloodstatus: Pure blood
Fudge vaults (multiple)
Skinner vaults (multiple)
Creature Inheritance:
Species: Neko
D/s: Submissive
Mate(s): Dom: Alastor Moody (Vella)
Core: Grey
Lord and Heirships: 

Skinner manor
Fudge manor
Umbridge hut

Blind hatred for Harry Potter.
Blind hatred for light wizards/Witches.
All administered by Albus Dumbeldore.

Mind altering spells, Hate spells
compulsion charms and loyalty spells detected(keyed to Albus Dumbledore)
Other notes:
Obliviatives since born
Kidnapped when born
Forced Glamour
Unicorn (Amy)
Thestral (Adam)

"Sr Griphook please contact my family and both family's he has messed with" and to my surprise he did . Rita and her mate Cornelius returned home and were quickly called by Gringots. Nothing of what happened made since to them but they didn't think longer because they were told to go to gringots . They rushed to the bank hoping they would have answers to where their baby girl was. " Welcome to gringots we have found your daughter but you have to read this to understand" Rita and her mate nodded anything to see their baby girl
birth certificate:
Real name: Isabella Marie Skinner
Fake name: Dolores Jane Umbridge
Mother: Rita Skinner
Fake mother: Ellen Cracknell
Father: Cornelius Fudge
Fake father: Orford Umbridge
True Age: 50
Order Age: 30
Siblings: None
Godparents: James Skinner
Jasmine Fudge
Bloodstatus: Pure blood
Fudge vaults (multiple)
Skinner vaults (multiple)
Creature Inheritance:
Species: Neko
D/s: Submissive
Mate(s): Dom: Alastor Moody (Vella)
Core: Grey
Lord and Heirships: 

Skinner manor
Fudge manor
Umbridge hut

Blind hatred for Harry Potter.
Blind hatred for light wizards/Witches.
All administered by Albus Dumbeldore.

Mind altering spells, Hate spells
compulsion charms and loyalty spells detected(keyed to Albus Dumbledore)
Other notes:
Obliviatives since born
Kidnapped when born
Forced Glamour
Unicorn (Amy)
Thestral (Adam)

When they read this they were happy bad angry. Happy that they have been around their baby girl and she's the new minister and angry at dumbledor for ruining their family. " I understand your confused but there is also two other families coming the weasleys and the blacks and Grangers" but before the goblin could finish what they were saying "Let us see our baby" snapped Rita. The goblins rushed them to her. "MY BABY GIRL I MISSED YOU SO MUCH BABY" Screamed Cornelius. When Isabella saw her parents she ran to them and cried for hours until. The two family's came
Hadrian " I'm sorry for what this man has done" as he said this he slid the new family all the paper for his siblings, family, and mate of their inheritance. The only thing Isabella said " I will take Hadrian's mark and what side does my mate work with". Hadrian smiled and said " He's in my circle we told him not to come because Albus thinks he works for the man so he's waiting at the manor for you all". When he was done talking Isabella was so happy to hear that but switched to worry " What about my mom and dad". Her parents smiled at her because they already took the mark a few months prior. "Honey bee me and your mom already have the mark when we witnessed what Albus tried to do" said Cornelius. To say Isabella was happy was an understatement. So she took her arm out but everyone laughed " Isabella we don't use the arm anymore you get to chose where and both parents have it over their hearts" said Hadrian. "I would like it at the same spot please". And Isabella's Dark mark was a red and white rose her mother had a white rose and her father had a red rose.

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