Part 10: hogwarts

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Hadrian's POV:
The "Golden" Trio (what their family's like to call them) along with their family and mates took seats on an empty compartment. They glamoured Tom wordlessly and wandlessly to look like a mini version of Salazar slitherin and Helga Hufflepuff . They had narrowly escaped another order member. Everyone pulled out their books on the dark arts he since they knew more dark hexes and spells than they could list. They knew over 1000 and counting. Hadrian knew more dark hexes and spells than the Death Eaters and his mate combined . Only a few feet away stood Ronald his little brother. Ronald was engaged in Dark Arts. He always wondered why witches and wizards gave up the Dark Arts for those stupid 'Light' Arts. Why would people stop worshipping and making scarifies for the Goddess of Chaos in the name of 'Light'? Then his little sister Harmony. Harmony loved knowledge. She craved it. After one look at the school textbook, she headed into Knockturn Alley. She bought 2 books on the Dark Arts. The family ended up sitting in a compartment. The family bonded immediately once they found each other . They had so much fun discussing the Dark Arts. They all agreed, they wanted to be in Slytherin. "Well, if it isn't a bunch of Death eaters and blood traitors?" Came the voice of Ginny Weasley. Hadrian windless and wordlessly sent one of the strongest 'dark' hexes Ronald and harmony had ever seen. After that, no one entered the trio's compartment, not even the trolley lady. The family got off the train and boarded the boats. After the rather boring boat ride, the family stood in line waiting to get sorted. The real story begins during the sorting.

Third Person POV

The old sorting hat sang a song, not that anyone really paid attention. 

"Put me on.  I will tell you where you belong old friend. Whether it be cunning Slytherin or honest Hufflepuff Or wise Ravenclaw or noble Gryffindor. You could just belong in Gryffindor; Where the brave and noble dwell. Or maybe Ravenclaw; Where the creative and those who crave wisdom reside. Maybe Slytherin for the win; Where those who honor ambition and cunningness belong. Or maybe you belong in Hufflepuff; Where those who value honest, loyalty and hard work call home. For we shall't know till you try me on. So try me on and I will tell you your new houses." The sorting hat sang.  The Great Hall burst out clapping, although half looked dazed.  "First we have Hannah Abbout." The head of the Gryffindor house and Transfiguration teacher, Minerva McGonagall stated.  "HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat yelled.  "Susan Bones." McGonagall said.  "SLYTHERIN." The sorting hat, named Alistair, yelled.  "Terry Boot." McGonagall stated.  "RAVENCLAW!" Alistar stated, letting all of the Hogwarts know.  "Lavender Brown." McGonagall stated.  "Hufflepuff!" Alistair's loud voice boomed.  A girl with long curly hair hopped off and ran to the Hufflepuff table, pleased with herself for being the first of Helga's mighty badger.  "Well, this list is all out of order! Padam Patil." McGonagall stated, huffing.  "RAVENCLAW!"The old hat stated.  A tan skin girl got off the stool, proudly making her way to the Ravenclaw table. She pushed her long, black hair out of her face.  "Parvati Patil." McGonagall said.  "How about GRYFFINDOR!" The hat declared.  Padma's twin got off the stool, making a beeline to the Gryffindor table like she was on fire or something. She gave her sister a small smile after taking a seat at the Gryffindor table. Harmony Narcissa Lestrange-Snape-Grayback" McGonagall stated.  Harmony took a confident stroll up to the sorting hat, like this happened everyday. She gracefully took a seat on the stool that was provided for the students.  "Slytherin for the win!" The old hat stated proudly.  "Ryder Remus Lestrange-Snape- Grayback." McGonagall said while Ron took a seat.  "Slytherin." The hat said. Ginny would have to write a letter home to her mum. Fred and George smiled and clapped as hard as they could.  "Haden Sirius Lestrange-Snape-Grayback ." McGonagall said, a look of awe in her eyes. The Great Hall went silent. Everyone was staring at Haden. This was especially true for Severus Snape, Tobias Slytherin-Hufflepuff
and Dumbledore. Both were eying the boy for very different reasons however. "Slytherin" the hat stated. "Draco Malfoy.". "Slytherin!" The hat yelled.  "Tobias Slytherin-Hufflepuff." McGonagall said.  "SLYTHERIN." The sorting hat, named Alistair, yelled. " Fred Weasley" McGonagall stated. "Slytherin!" Alistar stated, letting all of the Hogwarts know.  "Gorge Weasley." McGonagall stated.  "Slytherin !" Alistair's loud voice boomed.  "Well, this list is all out of order! Luna Lovegood." McGonagall stated, huffing.  "Slytherin !"The old hat stated.  A pal skin girl got off the stool, proudly making her way to the Slytherin table. She pushed her long, blond hair out of her face.  "Neville Longbottom." McGonagall said.  "How about Slytherin !" The hat declared. "Ginny Weasley" Mcgonagall said. "Gryffindor" the hat said. " Blaise Zabini" McGonagall said. "Ravenclaw". "Cho Chang" McGonagall said. " Hufflepuff.

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