Part 7: hermione finds out

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My eyes slid open as I looked at the clock, it read 4:00 AM, 'What the hell am I doing up right now?' I thought, realizing that there was a tapping at the window. Before I got to open the window, the events of last night hit me like a train and I stumbled, going over to my dresser and looking in the mirror inside. I couldn't see anything as it was dark in the room.  "Lumos" I whispered silently, but to no avail, my wand wouldn't work, it was as if I was a first year, unable to do most common spells. So, I went to open the window, gave the owl a  treats then turned on my bedside lamp. I saw bits of my reflection in the mirror, then went closer to investigate my appearance. My hair had grown to my mid-back and had turned black, like as black as black could get. My facial appearance had turned more feminine with sharpened features, and my eyes are gold, then they started glowing red. Along with my face, my skin was turned to an Ivory pale colour and I was now taller, slimmer and had slight curves and a bigger chest. My nails and the skin around them had turned , I had also grown taller, from 165 centimeters to 182 centimeters.  This new discovery left me baffled as I looked over to where the owl once was, 'Shit!' I thought as I realized that the letter was from Gringotts, and the goblins are better left not waiting. I opened the letter and it read,  Dear Ms. Granger, Congratulations on coming of age! Now that you are of legal age in the wizarding world, we would like to confer with you on the bases of your accounts and Ladyships . This is also in addition to the fact that you have come into a Creature Inheritance, normally this procedure is explained to the family but since you have a muggle family it isn't capable of processing the information, we will explain it to you in full. Since we would like you here as soon as possible, this letter is a portkey, the words to activate it is, 'Gold Galleon'.  May your gold prosper and your enemies fall,  Griphook  Vault Manager at Gringotts Wizarding Bank  Well, I suppose that a creature inheritance would make sense now that I don't look like my parents anymore ! But the thing is that neither of my parents are not my pa, Dumbledore would have told me if I was! Why would he not tell me? He told me that I was perfectly normal and that there was nothing to worry about, but I mean that was last year and I heard him mumbling after he said that, so I'm not so sure anymore.  Thinking back to the letter, I quickly realized that goblins don't like to be left waiting, so I said the word to activate the portkey.  "Gold Galleon"  I felt my body being pushed through small tiny tunnels and being stretched to the max, right before I landed on my face in the middle of the entrance to Gringotts. I slowly got up and realized that all of the goblins had looked up from their paperwork to stare at me.  "Uhhh, hello? I'm Hermione Granger, and I'm here for a meeting with Griphook."  "Right this way Ms. Granger." Said a goblin close to the headdesk.  He led me down a wide main hallway with many passageways going in and out of the hallway, it just wanted you to get lost. Finally, after what seemed hours, we reached Griphook's office. The goblin that led me down the hallway had knocked on the door.  "Griphook, Ms. Granger is here to see you." He said  "Come in." Said Griphook quietly, motioning for me to sit down once the door was opened.  "So, I see that you have had a few changes to your appearance, a creature inheritance, no doubt about that. Based on the fact that neither of your parents was creatures , your mother a muggle and your father a muggle, we need you to take an Inheritance Test."  "Yes, I would agree with that too, but how does this test work?" I stated.  Griphook pulled out a bowl, a vial of shiny liquid, an extremely sharp dagger and a long piece of parchment, then put the liquid into the bowl and handed me the dagger.  "You will slice your palm with the dagger and let seven drops of blood go into the liquid, I will then heal your palm then pour the liquid over the piece of parchment, and there you have it, an inheritance test." He stated matter of factly.  I sliced my palm and watched seven drops of my blood sink to the bottom of the bowl and them combine. Griphook then took the bowl and poured the liquid over the parchment, words started to quickly appear, and once the words appeared it read,
  birth certificate:
Name: Harmony Narcissa Lestrange-Snape-Grayback
Fake name: Hermione Jean Granger 
Mother: Belltrix lestrange-Snape-Grayback
Fake mother: Jean Granger 
Father: Severus Tobias Snape-Grayback
Fake father:  Wendell Granger
True Age: 18
Order Age: 14
(Older twin ) Haden Sirius Lestrange-Snape-Grayback (Harry Potter)
(middle Twin)Ryder Remus Lestrange-Snape- Grayback(Ronald Wesley)
Sirius Black ( alive,innocent)
Remus Lupin( Alive)
Lucius Malfoy (Alive)
Narcissa Malfoy (Alive)
Lily evens-Potter(Alive, in Hiding)
James Potter( Alive, In hiding)
Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Barty Crouch JR
Nymphadora Black
Fenrir Greyback
Barty Crouch Greyback
Granger Vault (Withdrawals by Albus Dumbledore every month)
Greyback Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Founder's Co-Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Gryffindor Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Slytherin Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Ravenclaw vaults (Multiple vaults)
Hufflepuff vaults (Multiple vaults)
Malfoy Vaults (Multiple; Withdrawals by Albus Dumbledore every month)
Creature Vaults (Multiple Vaults)
Lestrange Vault ( Multiple Vaults)
Emrys Vaults (Multiple vaults)
Lupin vaults (Multiple vaults)
Black vaults(Multiple Vaults)
Student vault (Taken by Hermione Granger)
Prince vault( Multiple Vaults)
Merlin vault( Multiple Vaults)
Creature Inheritance:
Species: Vampire,Werewolf,Dragon
D/s: Dom
Mate(s): Dom/Sub: George Weasley ( Neko, vampire) and Fred Weasley (submissive) (Neko, Vampire)
Multiple Animagus( 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Wandless Magic (50% Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Wordless Magic (50% Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Enhanced Senses(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Parseltongue(50% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Intelligence ( 80% blocked by Albus Dumbledore) " so she won't question Adults/Teachers"
Skilled legilimens(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Occulmens(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore
abilities(100%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
exceptional duelist with a wand( 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Healing (100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Necromancy(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Empathy (100%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Reptaliamagic(100%Blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Core: Gold higher then merlins(100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Lady and Heirships:
Queen of all elements,animals, and magic itself.
Godric's Hallow
Chamber of Secrets
Ravenclaw Castle
Hufflepuff Mansion
Slytherin castle
Griffindor Mansion
Prince Manor
Lestrange Castle
Blind hatred for anything dark.
Blind loyalty to Ginny Weasley.
Blind loyalty to all adults.
Blind loyalty is to Professors and ministry.
Loyalty to Albus Dumbeldore (worn off)
Loyalty to Order of the Phoenix (worn off)
Loyalty to Anyone who is Light (worn off)
All administered by Albus Dumbeldore.
Mind altering spells,
love potion to Cedric Diggory ( given by Albus Dumbledore)
compulsion charms and loyalty spells detected(keyed to Albus Dumbledore and Ginny Wesley (Dumbledore).)
Other notes:
Obliviatives since age 2
Kidnapped at age 2
Forced Glamour

I look at the list in disbelief, how is this real? That evil bumblebee, more like a hornet, he lied to me all my life!! He had my family trying to kill me and my siblings!" I would also like to discuss the statements made on your vaults, it says here on the inquiries that Albus Dumbledore over the past sixteen years has given 50,000 Galleons to one Ginny Weasley , 10,000 Galleons to Cedric Diggory, 20,000 Galleons to Granger (muggle money), 50,000 Galleons to Albus Dumbledore , and has added 100,000 Galleons to a personal account by your family. An addition to that, he has stolen many artifacts such as books and potions." Said Griphook  That lying bastard! He lies to me and my family then has the audacity to steal hundreds of thousands of Galleons from me?  "I need all of the artifacts back immediately, the money is taken back within the next sixty-four hours, with a 4% interest on every twelve hours that it is not returned. Also, is there a way that the spells and potions can be removed from me?" I asked  "A very wise choice on the matter of the vaults, and yes there is a way to remove all of the spells, blocks, and potions off of you, follow me."  Griphook and I went into a room a few doors down from his office. This room seemed to be a ceremonial room with a pedestal in the middle of the floor, and circles written on the floor in chalk. There were three goblins in the room, ready to start the incantations.  "Step right up, Ms. Lestrange-Snape-Grayback"  I followed Griphook's instructions and stepped on the pedestal while the goblins started chanting slowly, a pulsing feeling going through my body as I watched the runes on the floor start to pulse in tune. The brightness of the room increased the louder the goblins chanted, and they looked at me oddly, for I was not saying a word, my pain tolerance had increased tenfold. And then suddenly, it all had stopped. I could feel the magic running through my veins as I stepped down from the pedestal.  "Thank you so much," I said  "The pleasure was ours your family is waiting for you but your brother Ryder has yet to get his but soon he will," Said the goblins in sync. Shadows consumed my vision as another one of my senses was taken over, smell. It was, sweet, yet dank, parchment, steam, and gardens. So many things wrapped into one, yet nothing at all. It reminded me of family. The smell was fading away and I needed more of it. I opened up my eyes, to see the familiar sight of my family.

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