ch. xvi

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*author's way-too-loud crying/wailing in the background*

For the second time that day, Linh stabbed viciously at the doorbell. How she wished it wasn't Everglen they were all at. Biana was the last person she wanted to run into right now. She didn't think she could face her and Keefe without at least attempting to punch them.

"I got it, Fitz, you can go back inside. Oh, hey, Linh! Long time no see." Biana beamed from the doorway, as Linh inwardly cursed her rotten luck. "C'mon in, everyone's here. Except Tam, obviously." She paused, biting her lip nervously. "How is he, by the way? Dex mentioned something about making elixirs for him..."

Linh stepped inside. "He's doing okay. Doesn't leave his bed at all. Typical sick boy stuff."

She chose not to mention that he couldn't leave his bed.

Thankfully, Biana didn't ask any other questions, instead smiling brightly and taking Linh's hand, leading her inside the living room. "Everyone, look who's here!"

Linh barely heard the chorus of welcomes, instead steadily searching the room for a certain pair of kindly periwinkle eyes. Only when she didn't find what she was looking for, did she acknowledge anyone else in the room. "Hi, guys. Dex isn't here?"

Sophie shook her head. "Nope. He headed back home around a minute ago. Something about some elixirs he was working on for Tam. Speaking of which, how is he? He's never gotten sick before, has he?"

So she'd come here for nothing? Great. Just....great. "Tam's okay. He's still snarky, so....yeah. And I guess I'll leave now."

Biana's eyebrow jumped up as she leaned into the doorway casually, cutting off Linh's only hopes for escape. "You really think we're gonna let you get away so easily? Stay a bit. We rarely see you around these days."

"Well....Tam might need me..."

Keefe blew a raspberry. "Bangs Boy can take care of himself. C'mon, surely you need a break too. I mean, you've been playing nursie for him all week."

"He's never been sick before, so I'm kind of nervous for him," she tried.

"He'll be fine, Linh," Fitz interjected. "Think about yourself too. Relax a bit."

"Yeah!" Sophie chimed in. "What they said."

Linh bit back an unusually sarcastic retort, before nodding and plopping down in the only empty space, between Sophie and the arm of the sofa. It was probably the spot Dex had recently vacated, she figured. "I guess I can stay a few minutes...."

Linh didn't intend to actually participate in any of their conversations, though. How could she, when her brain was stuck on repeat?


"You know, Tam," Linh said from where her face was still pressed into him. "I love you. And I really really really don't want to push you into making a decision. So... just so you know, what you just chose is perfectly okay. I'll just have to be strong and get over it."

"Thank you, Linh," he mumbled, laying his cheek on the top of her head. She could feel through his shirt how much weight he'd lost via the disease. "Thank you for saying that. And I love you too."

"It's going to be hard," she said, more to herself rather than to Tam. "And I'll probably hate myself for letting you make this decision. But.... I'll never forget you. Never ever."


So. Who else expected more from the confrontation scene? *raises hand*


TAAAAAAAAM *cries like Deku at the sports festival.* (if you look this up, you'll totally get what I mean.)

So. Y'all wanna kill me yet? *retrieves unbreakable shield from storeroom and continues crying inside it*

Too sad for music, band....

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