ch. xlix

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*continues warding off writers block with handy ole chunks of garlic, steel and silver*

Alden was silent throughout the rest of the ceremony.

When Biana had stepped off the podium to pretty much a standing ovation, he was the only one who hadn't even glanced in her direction, instead choosing to cross his arms and glare at the tips of the Councillors' boots instead.

Honestly, she preferred it that way. She didn't think she wanted to handle all the accusatory glances and comments all designed to make her feel guilty. The silent treatment was much better, thank you.

Fitz had been open-mouthed for most of the speech. And it was strangely satisfying to watch him gawp at her as she spoke.

After the chatter had died down, Councillor Emery stepped forward with a seed and a bottle. Biana watched, numb, as the Councillor planted the seed in the same way that they'd planted Mr Forkle's and then watered it carefully.

And then....nothing happened.

She and Fitz turned towards each other at the same time, identical expressions of confusion on their faces.

Why isn't anything happening? His mental voice resonated through her head.

Biana has to grit her teeth sharply to prevent herself from launching into another rant about privacy. I don't know. Do I look like I know how Wanderling seeds work?

Hey, no need to yell. He did his best to discreetly massage his temples. I thought maybe the disease he had could have affected the seed?

Huh. I didn't think of that. Could it be possible? Too bad that both Tiergan and Magnate Leto were nowhere nearby. It could be...and that's going to take some explaining...great. Just great.

Why did Tam have to face a challenge even in death? It wasn't fair, she thought. At least he could have had a nice planting, but noooo. He couldn't even get that.

Biana had never wanted to yell at an unanimated object more than she did right then.

I know I'm being mean. Y'all don't need to tell me.

Can't tell for sure whether I'll update don't be surprised.

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