ch. xxv

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The second chapter I promised. A bit later than I though, but here nevertheless.

Also a sort of short chapter, but I did warn you in the author's note.

"Biana, hold up a sec."  Keefe followed her down the hallway. "Could I....check something? Oh, hey there, Foster."

Sophie waved, a quizzical expression on her face. "Um, hi...? Even though you just saw me?"

He ignored her, instead focusing on Biana. "So, can I check it?"

"Of course." She looked slightly confused, but that was a given. "Check what?"

"Can't tell you yet. And I need Foster to enhance me, if she doesn't mind."

"Happy to." Sophie peeled off her glove, offering him her hand. 

He took it and offered his free hand to Biana. "I want to test my theory, so I kind of need you to let me read your emotions."

"Sure." Biana took his hand unhesitatingly. " emotions for what?"

"I'm getting to that." Keefe closed his eyes, letting the energy from the enhancing swirl around in his head for a moment. Then, when everything cleared, his eyes popped back open. "Whew, that's still intense. Okay, Biana, I need you to tell me what you think of....Fitz."

"Fitz?" He could feel her confusion washing against his consciousness, along with a whole lot of annoyance. "He's guess I love him? But he's a pain in the neck."

Sophie snickered. "Nice way to put it."

"Gee, thanks."

Keefe tightened his hold on her hand. "Alright. Now.....Alvar."

Anger, resentment, fear, doubt. Overall, a pretty genuine combination. He was trying his best to keep his names random, as not to draw any suspicion. "How 'bout Dex?"

A sense of protection. Platonic affection. Overall, a sisterly feeling. Excellent.

"Linh?" The mention of her name brought forth a cart load of confusion and concern. Justifiable.

 "Bangs Boy?"

The emotions switched so fast that he nearly dropped her hand. Worry, and......what was that, buried under a load of comfort?

Unconsciously, he tightened his hold on Foster's hand, and the rush of energy seemed to intensify. "Ugh....tricky, this one." 

And he finally managed to identify that emotion. 

Letting out a breath, he dropped both their hands and wiped his now sweaty forehead. "Darn. Your emotions are almost as hard to figure out as Foster's."

Biana let out a small huff. "Ha-ha. What was that for, anyway?"

"Testing a theory." Keefe leaned against the wall, completely drained. That had taken more out of him than he'd thought could be possible. "And you verified it."

"Am I allowed to now hear of this great theory?" The bite was back in her voice, barely restrained. He could tell that she was getting impatient. 

"Y-yeah. I found out that you have feelings for someone else. That was why the whole 'us' thing didn't work." 

Sophie's mouth made an 'o' of realisation. Biana, on the other hand, looked apprehensive as she asked, "who?"

"Foster's guessed it." He paused for air. "Tam."

Yay! Tiana in the house!

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