ch. xvii

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Get ready to hate me, fam.

Oh wait, you probably already do, after the last chapter.

Scratch that, you do. There is a kill-Miyu cult in the comments.

Linh had replayed that little clip of memory over and over  until she knew she'd burst into tears if she did it again.

So, trying to distract herself with weird thoughts of sparkly verminions, she leaned on Rimeshire's doorbell for the second time that day. Her fingers were crossed that she didn't get caught up in another triplet-caused accident as the door swung open and she was greeted by a very grumpy-looking Dex. "Hi, Linh. Good timing, I just finished the first batch for him. Wanna come in?"

She nodded, not trusting her voice to hold steady. He seemed to understand, and his grumpiness melted into a small, understanding smile.

"I hope you don't mind, but I told Dad. He did have more experience with those particular elixirs, so he sort of helped me tweak the formulae for Tam's conditions."

She nodded, deciding to test her voice. "Thank you again." Good, no wobbles, although it was a tad squeaky.

"No problem. It's worth it to make you happy." Then, he seemed to remember what he'd just said, and went deep red. "W-wait, I didn't mean it like know what I meant, right?"

"Yeah, d-don't worry about it." She mentally reprimanded herself for the stutter. Of all the times to fall apart, now?

"So..." Dex trailed off, swinging the door shut. "How's Tam doing?"

"H-he..." Linh blinked rapidly. "He..passed out today. I'm not sure exactly why, b-but he scared me. So much."

"Oh." Dex looked like he was at a loss for words. "It's.. probably just from blood loss, but I think we should check with Dad just in case."

Linh nodded. "Okay."

They had climbed halfway up the massive glittering icy staircase, when Linh spoke suddenly, surprising even herself. "Tam doesn't want to take the surgery."

"What?!" Dex spun around suddenly, causing her to nearly crash into him. "He does realise what's going to happen...?"

And that's when the floodgates opened.

Linh wasn't sure exactly how long she cried for, or exactly when they'd both sunken down to sit on the steps, or when Dex has awkwardly put an arm around her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. She definitely didn't remember when she had started to lean into him, bawling loud enough to be heard in Eternalia. All she did remember was him soothingly rubbing her back as she slowly told the whole story, punctuated with random hiccups and sobs.

"A-and I told him I'd b-be strong enough to get over it," she whispered. "But...I can't. Not alone."

"You're not alone," he reminded her quietly. "Any time you wanna talk, I'm here for you. It won't be the same as going to Tam, or Sophie or Biana... but I'll do my very best to help you." He took a deep breath, as if he was mentally steeling himself for something, before whispering "Tam's not the only one who wants to protect you."

And I don't even ship Dlinh.....I am truly astonished. The things my brain comes up with...!!

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