ch. xxxvi

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approaching forty chapters now!!


Tam woke up the next morning to a weight pressing against his arm.

Some wiggling around confirmed his suspicions that the weight was indeed a sleeping Biana, who was literally clinging to his arm with both hands. Her face was buried in his shoulder, and Tam didn't dare move, for fear of waking the sleeping beauty.

And of course, that  was when a flower chose to make itself painfully known to him. He had no choice but to bolt upright as much as he could and grope at the bedside table (which, thankfully, was on his side of the bed) for the tissue box. Grabbing one, he immediately coughed up the bloody floral bit, squinting at it to try determining exactly how much he had brought up.

It was weird how he was used to coughing up whole flowers by now, he reflected, wadding it up and slinging it neatly into the bin.

At that action, Biana stirred gently. "Eh...? Where..." She sat up as well and only then noticed how she'd been clinging to him. "Sorry! Did I fall asleep on you?"

"Well, not on me, exactly. But yeah, you did fall asleep." He attempted to give her a smile, but his mouth refused to cooperate. "You must have been tired."

"Mmhm." She stifled a yawn, sliding off the bed. "Gah, I just remembered that I need a toothbrush."

"Tiergan keeps extras in every bathroom." Tam decided to get out of bed right then, an action that Biana did not miss.

Her eyes narrowed as he threw aside the blankets. "Are you allowed to be out of bed?"

"Shh. You didn't see anything." Gingerly, he placed both bare feet on the floor, gripping the bedpost for support as he eased himself up. "And we are now upright for the first time in...well, in a dam long time." [PJO, anyone? Sorry. Back to the story now.]

She stifled a laugh. "You really shouldn't be doing that. Dex told me what happened last time you got up for water."

"Did he?" Tam swayed slightly on spot, trying to figure out to navigate his way across the ten feet of space between the edge of the bed and the window, which was where he wanted to end up. Preferably still vertical."Well, things change."

He figured that there wasn't really a way for him to walk with support all the way to the window, and he doubted that his legs could handle it unaided.

Biana shook her head, making her way around the bed to him. "If you do insist on doing this, I'm going to help you. Here, put your arm around my shoulders."

Obediently, Tam did as he was told. She then slid an arm firmly around his waist, and practically carried him forward. "Whoa, you're strong."

"Thanks." Biana blew a stray strand of hair out of her face. "Comes with the territory, when you spend years playing tackle bramble with Fitz and Keefe."

"Mmm." And befoe he knew it, they were at the window. "You don't need to keep holding me now, you know."

"Oh, I know that. But I want to."

don't go getting high hopes, just because these few chapters are deceivingly fluffy....

this is still an angst story. just a warning, so y'all don't get t o o surprised.

as always, thanks for reading!

miyu outttt~

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