ch. xxxviii

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*cries because TAM*


Gah, I sound like a Keefe now.

But maybe that ain't actually a bad thing....? Seeing that he actually isn't a massive douchebag or something like that.

Oh, and in case you're wondering why I'm writing in spite of the hiatus I declared...I figured how to manage my time better. So do expect me to update, just not as frequently as I used to. Maybe one chapter every four days or something like that.

I'm so happy I was able to do it!! Nearly went crazy without being able to write.

Also, writers' block either loves or hates me. yeeeee.

The world was spinning before her very eyes, and for once, Biana wasn't trying to take control of all the chaos.

She couldn't remember the last time it had overwhelmed her like that. She'd always told herself that the mark of a strong person was their ability to handle whatever life (or the Neverseen) hurled at them with complete calm.

And that was what Biana had aimed for. To be able to handle everything as calmly as if it were.... she wasn't really sure anymore what to compare it to.

What surprised her now was how she was letting the chaos take hold of her brain right now, making it impossible for her to think anything beyond  'HE'S UNCONSCIOUS AND COULD BE DYING, SOMEONE HELP HIM.'

Almost numb to her surroundings, she got up, forgot why she did that in the first place, and sat back down, causing Elwin to glance curiously at her from where he was bent over Tam's limp form, now safely back on his bed. "Are you okay, Biana?"

"Yes. No. I- ugh, I don't know." She was one step away from tearing out her hair. "I...I'm all muddled up. It's like someone's picked my feelings up, shaken them up and left me to sort out the fragments."

"That's a pretty vivid description," came a new voice from the doorway. Biana wasn't even surprised anymore, when she saw Physic, complete with a glittery silver mask, hovering behind Linh, peering into the room. "Usually people aren't so aware of what's going on when they begin to panic."

"I'm not panicking," she protested, as Physic managed to shove her way into the room and crossed over to Tam's bedside in three large steps. "I'm just...." words decided to fail her right there. "Geez. I can't describe it."

"Trying to get a grip on yourself?" She offered, as she struggled to fit a pair of glasses over her gaudy mask. "I can give you something to calm yourself down."

"Don't need i-"

"She'll take it." Linh plucked the deep green vial from the depths of Physic's enormous satchel.

"Will I?" Biana so didn't want to launch into a verbal battle right then, but....she wanted to at least try to be strong. 

Somehow, she got the impending feeling that if she lost her cool, she was toast.

"Yes." Linh's voice was pure steel as she crossed the room again, never breaking eye contact with Biana even once. "Even if I need to force it down your throat, you will take it. You're not going to give out now."

Almost involuntarily, Biana gave her a nod, and Linh pushed the vial into her limp hand. "Drink. Or I make you drink."

So she did.

i honestly don't know what the point of this was, in the grand scheme of things. gotta work out a few more kinks in the storyline.

hope you liked it!

-miyu <3

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