In the loft...

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Aaron: so what questions are we thinking...?
Alex:I mean, I don't have any.
I know she is great and just the necessary one to complete our ginormous loft.
J.R.: yeah, I think we can go back to her and stop making her feel humiliated.
Matt: oh yeah.. oh crap!
SO Hey Roni...
And... Sorry if we made you feel bad with all the *he vaguely points around the room*
Anyways so...
When would you like to move in?
Roni: I was gonna say, right now?
Only if it's fine with you guys? I mean I can wait...
All of my stuff is in my car and I was sleeping in my half built office here.
I can hold up for a couple of more days if you want?
Alex : no no!
We are absolutely thrilled to have you here and you can shift here any minute you want!
J.R: rather I was thinking , the fact that it's a national holiday today, all of us can help you move in.
It can be like a bonding time for all of us and your work should be done by the end of the day. How does that sound?
Roni: GREAT!
*It was none in the morning when they met each other and they day started with them driving over Roni's stuff from her office in multiple trips.
They had a great bonding time both, individually and as a group.
Aaron on the other kept bouncing in and out because of his work calls.
By the time it was ten in the night, all of her stuff was home and unpacked in her own room. It was all Roni could ask for.*
Nessa: OH! MY GOD!
I am really, really tired-
Roni: And hungry too!
Matt: oh boy, I don't think any of us have the energy to actually cook up a heavy meal for six people. Let's just go out rather than ordering stuff?
Aaron: I'm in! Anyways I'm tired of sitting inside the house or the office. I desperately need a new environment!
* All of them set out for a late night dinner. Matt asked Roni if she was comfortable introducing herself to a bunch of more people? She seemed fine*
Matt: So Roni, these are our other friends who happen to live together as well and we spend an awful amount of time together.
This is Bobby Mares, Corey La Barrie, Kian Lawley, JC Caylen or Justin Caylen Castillo-
JC: thanks man *he said sarcastically*
Matt: and this is David. He doesn't live with them though.
So yeah... That's about it for our major friend circle.
Roni: hey guys! I'm Veronica Smoak! I am Aaron and Matt's school friend and just happens to bump into Matt and coincidentally be in the desperate need of a house!
So... I am their new roommate!
Bobby: hey Roni! It's nice to meet you!
Hope you enjoy being their roommate and our new friend!
Roni: that's really sweet of you Bobby!
Thank you💜

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