The New Girl

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Veronica had been living in the loft for a week now. But that would barely be called 'living'. She was super busy with her work. She would leave very early to work without having any breakfast, with or without the roommates and come back really late, when everyone would have fallen asleep. It was really bothering her as well as Matt who really wanted her to blend in with his other friends. He had to figure out how he was gonna help this beautiful loft last longer, together as friends.
M: Hey Roni, I was really hoping you could take this day off. I had a few things planned for you, along with us!  Besides it's Saturday!!
R: i know Matt but i really can't! I have a bunch of meetings today with three companies who are finally ready in invest in out tech! I really can't miss this opportunity!
M: but Roni I've -
Okay here we go... I have asked your brother, Rory to come down here in LA and help your company for this one day as you enjoy with us!?
I'm sorry if i did a bad thing?
R: okay... Not really. I think you did a great job! Im really excited to spend time with you guys! I was really worried that we could not spend any time together as new roommates and that you guys would really start hating on me!
A: oh my god Roni! No!!
We would never think of something like that! We are very thrilled to have you here with us! Any we have this one day to right all the deeds so let's get on with the business!
Alex get the cars ready... We gotta show the newbie how the loft rolls!
*Nessa, Alex, Matt, JR, Aaron and Roni set out, spent their time together playing with rare, beautiful animals at the petting zoo, lunches, long chats, refreshing old highschool memories together. Altogether their day along with the boy's loft ( Bobby, Kian, JC, Corey and David) was amazing. These were the best roommates she could ever wish for!
After dinner, they went back to the boy's loft. After multiple rounds of monopoly, charades and pictionary, it was past midnight and they decided to stay the night in.
About an hour later, they heard a knock at the door. Terrified to expect anyone at this time of the night, Aaron slowing peeped through a small gap in the door and with a huge grin swung it wide opem to welcome the guests.
A: Sam and Colby!!
So surprised to see you here!
Sam: you too man! Long time no see!
Way too busy in your work i guess!
A: yeah... It keeps me busy. Tell me about you? How are you guys?
No wait Hey let me introduce you to my old friend Veroni-
Sam: ohhh my god!!!
Is it really you??
Veronica Smoak of Smoak technologies??!!!!!
Oh my god I'm a massive fan! I can't belive i actually got to meet my role model?!!!
B: oh hey! Seems like you have introduced yourself to her Sam and Colby! She's the new roommate at the loft. She's here to spend some quality time with us!
Roni! We are gonna go in some haunted mansion thingy with Sam and Colby. It's kinda their thing! Would you guys like to join us? It'll kinds be a maga youtubers' crossover!
It'll be a blast!
R: you know what! I'm in!
I'm tired of work already and I'm mostly tired of overthinking simple decisions like this one,so...I'm in!
B: okay cool! What about you guys?
The loft: were in!
Let's do this shit!

Sam and Colby's video introduction:
Hey guys!
Today's video's a little special. Yes, as you read in the title, we are going to explore the Queen Mary ship but, we've got some surprise guests!!
We have here, Bobby,Kian, JC, Corey, David,Alex,Nessa,Matt,JR, Aaron aaaand... Veronica Smoak!
Our newest member and friend! Welcome to our chanel you guys!

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