David's channel!

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* Roni, Aaron and Matt reach the boy's loft a few minutes after JR, Nessa and Alex.
David's sets up the equipment and settles in front of the camera, gets done with his intro.*
D: so boy's... Why don't you be in the video as well?
B: woahh
Jc: it'll be like a crazy crossover situation.
Kian: as is we don't do enough of that!😂
Corey: literally every vlog on eachother's channel is a crossover 😂 of us just getting lunch or just sitting around doing nothing 😂
D: oh c'mon you guys!
Nessa, you, Alex and JR should join as well!!
You guys could pitch in your questions along with the followers'.
Okay... Let's get started.
*Everybody arrange themselves within the shot, shoot the intro again and get started with the questions.*
D: so let's start with a basic question, how did the three of you meet?
M: okay so that's the most common question that we get and we have never gotten an actual time for ourselves to explain it to everyone so everyone just points out things from what we have said in the past as individuals and day that we are lying when they don't match up, so here we go...
The three of us have some what similar but yet very different circles of interest.
A: I was the sort of typical jock at school. Played rugby, was the ladies man but still balanced my studies. I was a partial nerd and a jock if you may say so. Weird I know! So I shared a few classes with Matt and almost all of them with Roni but yet we just somehow kept ourselves away from eachother, unknowingly, for a long time.
M: I was a complete nerd, loved photography and biology. Shared all the nerdy classes with Roni and just a few with Aaron. I met him in kindergarten because we lived literally beside eachother, our mothers are close friends and so it carried our friendship to highschool as well. I met Roni in third or fourth grade with she was new in Star City and she was this adorable tiny little girl who was sitting all by herself in the drawing class. Aaron and I went to her and shared our crayon and we started our journey but that only lasted till like eight grade when she had to move.
R: I was just like Aaron. I was a nerd as well as an athlete. I was a party of the females rugby team, not a cheerleader! But at the same time I very interested in computers, math and tech so yeah...till eight grade we were inseparable! But then I had to move out of star city. Later, about three years later, all of got into the same college and we meet at that year's first college party. Since then Matt and I were stuck together but Aaron kinda drifted apart with his cool group of friends and stuff-
A: HEY!!
M: WHAT!? that's true!!
The both of you just got closer and I was busy tryna cover up 'cool dude' status and study at the same time!
B: alright! Maybe we leave the arguments for the latter!
Next question!
Kian: with the new addition in The loft, Roni, how have rooms changed?
N: ooohh that's a nice one!
JR: so the loft has four floors with three rooms each, excluding the living room floor. When it was first bought by Aaron, Matt and I, we would all stay on the first floor. Then Nessa and Alex came to the loft, just a few months apart and so Alex, Nessa and I went on the second floor. Matt and Aaron went on the first floor. Then as Roni as joined the 'Gang', Aaron did not want Roni to live on the lower floor all by herself so him and Roni live on the floor below the living area.
JC: that honestly sounds like the most confusing house plan in earth.
Roni: no! Cuz' Matt did not explain very well. It's two floor on top of the living area with three rooms each. One floor below the living room, again with three rooms and then a floor on top of the two floor above the living are, that has a gigantic sauna and swimming pool.
C: better!
B: okay so... I have a question.
If all of the Loft mates were to have dating profiles, who would be the most likely to get a date first?
Matt, JR, Alex, Roni and Aaron spoke in unison: NESSA!
K: OH LORD! Okay😂
Who, amongst the Loft ladies, are most likely to date any of us?
Roni and Nessa: umm...
R: I would have to say me! Because I think each one of you guys are very attractive!
*The boy's loft howled in excitement*
K: now every single time Roni walks in or I go there, Imma lewk the best I ever will😂
R: good cuz' I got an eye on you😜
* Wooooahhhhhh EVERYONE gasped.*
Bobby: wait really?
Roni: sure! Why not?!
Kian : I mean... I'm down.
I really do have feelings for you the minute you were introduced to us by Matt. Matt, thanks for that man😉
*Aaron just silently sat in the corner, shooting daggers at Kian. Do offence he did not hate him at all. Infact he has known him for quite long now. It was Roni whom he has had feelings since school days. He always wanted to talk to her once, but things just never seem to co-operate with him or as Matt and JR would say,' you just gotta tell the girl man! One day you let her go and regret that particular time for the rest of your life and trust me you don't want that at such a young age!',' you guys are meant to be'.
Aaron's just gonna have to figure it out himself one day.

I know it's turing into a cheesy rom-com but I promise I would keep it light throughout. I am gonna keep it real to its New Girl basis and keep writing until I run out of ideas...so😘😂

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