Some good old memories 🖤

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Aaron and Matt were at the boy's loft, storming some video ideas together when...
David: okay how about this... We interview the three of you, Aaron, Matt and Roni, of what all memories you have about highschool or how you guys met or how are you guys' lives different from each other...?!
Matt: not bad! Actually i think its quite interesting AND there won't be any further questions once we answer everything in one video.
Aaron : oh you can go on your Instagram and put those 'questions thing' so that all fans' asked comman questions will be done too!
David: great!
Bobby: okay guys come together, well put on the boy's loft's account story about the questions. You two get Roni here or ask her where she can meet. Anyways it's late so she'll probably be done with work. Okay!
Aaron: well see you soon. Bye
* Aaron and Matt left the loft and went to Smoak technologies to check in Roni and pick her up for the shoot. It was a cold Saturday evening and Roni had no rush to make it back home in time to bed as it was a Sunday tomorrow*
A: Hey hey hey!!
C'mon! You're done with today's work. That's all you're gonna do today. The boy's and us came up with a plan for some videos on David's channel and you are kind of needed there so no words. We are gonna dump you in the car, get you home, get showered which in an individual's activity and they take you to the boy's loft. Okay? Okay.
*Roni war hurried out of her office, gotten home, showered, changed and back in the car*
R: So... What exactly is the plan for the videos?
M: okay so, David thought that the fact that we were together throughout high school, were should have his followers and subscribers all him questions about us, our lives and how we were back then...?
R: okay... That sounds scary!
A: trust me. It's gonna be fun!

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