Chapter Three: Great Power

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Monday was pretty eventful for Peter Parker. He passed out on a school field trip. He took this as an opportunity to stay home on Tuesday. So he did. He didn't use his powers too much then. He just went to the doctors to get Tyler checked up. They did some tests and said the results would be ready within a week.

Now, it was Wednesday morning. Tomorrow he would be winning $1,000 and had a date with Mary Jane.

Peter woke up, and lifted himself from the bed. He grabbed his phone, and tapped the power button. The screen lit up. His eyes widened.


The bus would be arriving in thirteen minutes. Peter leapt out of bed, and his head hit the ceiling. He let out a yelp, forgetting his strength. He went to put his blanket down, and it stuck to his fingers.

"Are you kidding me of all the times-", he hissed to himself as he forcefully ripped some of the blanket off, it still sticking to his fingers.

"Maybe- maybe if I calm down.."

Peter started to gently shake his hands, while taking deep breaths. He could not be seen using powers at school. Everyone would deem him a freak!

As the pieces of the blanket fell from his fingertips to the ground, the door swung open, causing Peter to jump.

"C'mon Peter, hurry up!", Tyler nearly barked to him as he gestured to his phone, which read 6:41am.

"Dude, you scared the hell out of me!", Peter whimpered as he pulled on a shirt.

"Sorry there, man. Don't want you being late! We already missed a day yesterday. Two wouldn't look so good.", Tyler explained.

Peter gave a nod in response, pulling pants on, and finally his shoes. He jumped up, quickly ruffling his hair.

"No time for me to eat breakfast. Let's get going, Tyler."

Tyler nodded, and the two went outside and got onto the bus.

The two arrived at the school and went their seperate ways, wishing each other a good day. Peter's day was pretty casual, and now it was time for chemistry.

Peter and Harry were ahead in the class, so they mainly chatted.

"How was the day off yesterday?", Harry asked as Peter sat down next to him.

Peter scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"The 'day off' was exhausting. We got Tyler taken to the doctor, he was checked up. We should know what's wrong with him before long.", Peter explained.

Harry gave a nod, and looked to the front of the classroom.

"Talked to Mary Jane lately?"

"Too busy to get time.", he said, referring to his powers. Of course, Harry didn't know about them.

"Well dude, you'll never believe it, but some guy saved Liz the other night."

Peter's eyes widened a bit at this.

"That so? What did he look like?", he questioned.

"He had red and blue on, and a mask! It sounded crazy, but then officials started confirming it.", Harry explained. The announcement bell rang, and an elderly voice rang out through the whole building.

"Peter Parker, please report to the main office."

Peter let out a sigh, and started to make his way to the office.

On his way there, he walked past Tyler, who was coughing, and had a nosebleed. He went to stop, and then he heard Flash's voice.

"Parker, looks like your brother's getting periods!"

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