Chapter Eleven: A Shocking Finale (Part One)

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The alarm shrieked through his bedroom, causing a nonexistent pain to shoot through the boy's body as he shot awake, running on only three or four hours of sleep. He hadn't known when he went to bed last night. He did know it was way later than it should have been, but he had been doing some heavy research.

He forced himself to sit up, an exhausted ache ringing through his miraculously living corpse. At least, that's how his body felt. He slowly got into some clothes, and having been up at the right time for school today, there was no need to rush. He had grabbed his bookbag and slipped out of his bedroom, and down the hall, now straying for the kitchen. He made his way into a chair at the table, which waffles had been placed at for him and his brother.

"Oh, Peter! You're up earlier than Tyler! This is a surprise!", May hummed, a tight lipped smile on her face.

"Yeah. Just got a lot of energy today, I guess.", Peter replied, cheerily. He needed a lot of energy for today. He had to go and finally confront the Shocker and Chameleon.

"Well, I'm glad, then. I've been looking for a job, and the Silver Spoon Café is hiring!", May announced to Peter. Peter offered a smile as he bit into one of his two waffles, before swallowing it down with some milk.

"That's great, Aunt May! I'm glad!", the brunette teenager beamed.

"Did I just hear that our Aunt May got a job?", Tyler asked, walking into the kitchen, and placing himself at the table.

May took her seat, humming in response. "Sure did. Now you need to get off your ass and find one yourself. You have to get ready for college!", May quipped. This earned a chuckle from Peter, who had finished a waffle by now.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Speaking of jobs. Any pictures of Spider-Man lately, Pete?", Tyler questioned, turning his attention to the sophomore.

Peter squinted his eyes and sighed. "Same answer as last night, Tyler. I've got photos to turn in today after school.", he answered. He had also planned to go confront the Shocker and Chameleon.

"Cool! Can I come along-"

"NO!", Peter shouted, a little too quickly. May furrowed his brows and Tyler gave a suspicious and knowing look.

"Well, why not?"

Peter had to admit. He had hated these conversations, and how nosey Tyler had been. It could be a little overwhelming at times.

"Well- I plan to ask MJ on a date- gonna be taking her to a restaurant or something- maybe a movie- yeah-", Peter spat out, knowing full well that was a lie. Luckily, his brother shrugged it off and the two finished their meals.

After an agonizing bus ride to Midtown, Peter made his way into the building's lobby, wishing his brother a good day. Harry stood at his locker, which was next to Peter's, and Peter started putting some stuff into said space.

"Hey, Pete. How you doing?", the young Osborn asked, curiously. The two hadn't hung out often since Peter's brother had gone to the hospital. Peter offered a nonchalant shrug and hummed to his childhood friend, now closing his locker and holding a few select books for his first class.

"I'm doing alright. Been pretty busy.", the dual identity teenager admitted with a chuckle. He had felt a little distraught in the moment, doubt growing inside of him over the fact that he'd be confronting his two biggest enemies so far, Shocker and Chameleon. And he had to do it on little sleep. He felt unease begin to dominate his stomach as he slowly zoned out, thinking about all of the people who would die if he failed to stop them. He shuddered at the more thought of it, and gripped his own arm.

"Today's Tyler's first day back, yeah?", Harry's voice questioned, piercing through Peter's zoning out. He jumped a bit and cleared his throat, almost dropping his books.

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