Chapter Five: Break Out

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The squeak of their shoes echoed through the dark halls of the building's interior, as they made their way through the corridors to enter through to an area of the building. The two men had been stopped by some dumbass in red and blue tights yesterday. The man and his friend had tried getting away, his friend driving their getaway vehicle. But the masked vigilante had knocked him unconscious.

That bastard. Cuffs surrounded the hands of Dmitri Smerdyakov, and the driver, Herman Schultz. The two were silent, staring to the ground as their feet clapped to the floor in sync. Dmitri slowed a little when they passed an open room. He had seen some of the loot that they had failed to steal yesterday. His eyes widened, and he looked to Herman.

"Alright, Herman! Now!", he shouted, catching the three guards by surprise. The duo knocked out two guards and ganged up on the last. Dmitri's eyes fixed on a mask in the room, and he snagged the key to his cuffs, before setting his hands free. Clasping the circumference of his wrist, he looked over to Herman.

"What about me, man?", he asked, a little confused.

"Wait.", he started as he had starting undressing himself as one of the cops quickly, causing his partner to cringe.

"Do that somewhere else, dumbass!"

Disregarding Herman's insult, he entered the room slowly, and grabbed the mask. He pulled it on. He had knew what this was. He had invented the concept, after all. Roxxon had stole his idea, so he stole the mask, hence the car chase. He pulled the mask on, and his face then morphed into that of one of the guard's. He pulled on the cap to complete the police disguise, and walked back out, causing Herman to jump.

"The hell-", Herman started.

"It's me, Dmitri.", he quickly whispered in a hiss. He heard footsteps approaching.

"Play along.", he demanded, before giving Herman any time to react. He pinned him to the wall.

"Hands up-", an officer shouted, before seeing that the situation was seemingly handled.

"Officer Davis, what happened?"

"One of them got away. South exit. I'll handle this one.", Dmitri spat out quickly, lying on the spot. The officer nodded, assessing the unconscious officers on the floor. Thankfully, he hadn't seen Dimitri's clothes.

"I'll send the medics shortly.", he said, walking off.

A shaky sigh escaped Dmitri's lips, before he undid Herman's cuffs.

"Alright, let's get outta here.", he said, referring to the exit through the room that he had initially grabbed the mask from.


"Load those supplies into that bag right there. There're keys for a cop car here.", he said, picking up the keys and stuffing them into his pocket.

Herman Schultz had stuffed a couple of gauntlets into the bag, and Dmitri's clothes. He had shoved a laptop in there as well, and zipped the bag shut, before swinging it over his shoulder. His breath hitched a bit when he had realized how heavy the bag was. He shot Dmitri a thumbs up, and they snuck through the back. Luckily, there were a row of cop cars right outside.

Dmitri went up to a cop car, and he went to put the key in, and it didn't fit. They had to find the right car. Shit. He had looked around, panicked. Dmitri usually always knew what to do, but he didn't want to risk getting caught.

"Hey, Dmitri. Try pushing the button to unlock?", Suggested Herman. Herman usually followed Dmitri's plans and his lead, but when needed, he always came through. Sometimes one or the other will overlook stupidly simple solutions. As a duo, they were practically pillars to one another.

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