Chapter Two: Powers

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He woke up in his bed. To be frankly honest, he hadn't known what happened. A note was on the desk next to his bed. From Harry. Peter sat up and looked around. The clock read 8:37pm.

With an exhausted moan, he forced himself to get out of bed. He stood up, and picked up the note.

Peter, you passed out in the middle of the field trip! Everyone was worried sick! Even flash was shocked. Anyways, my dad brought you home immediately, I hope to see you in school tomorrow!

Your pal, Harry

Peter found himself smiling at the note that had been left behind for him. He creeped his door open, and looked around his small apartment. Didn't seem like anyone was home.

"Hello?", he called out. No response. Tyler was obviously at school. May and Ben must have been out on their monthly date. November did just begin, after all. Peter looked to his phone, which was still in his pocket. He pulled it out to check the date.

Still November 2nd. He wasn't out for more than nine hours. That was good at least. He grabbed a hoodie, his wallet, which had $38 in it, and slipped into his shoes. He was looking to go out to eat.

He got outside to find that it was raining. He shrugged this off, though. His shoes splashed into the wet concrete as he made his way towards his favorite place to eat.

Silver Spoon Café. Little did Peter know, he was being followed. By a group of thugs. Five, to be specific.

He turned into an alley to cut through to the street that would lead him directly to his location. That's when an unfamiliar ringing ignited in his head, as if warning him of danger.

His eyes widened, and he ducked. A fist flew right over his head. Not having any time to question how he just did that, he turned around, and performed a roundhouse kick to one of the men across the face.

One of the thugs cocked a gun, and pulled the trigger. Without hesitation, Peter lept to the wall, and he was sticking to it.

"What the hell!? Are ya some kind of freak!?", shouted the armed thug, as the others now cornered Peter to the wall he was stuck too.

Maybe I am a freak. Ever since that Spider bit me, I don't feel normal at all.

That's when he realized. The spider had gone through the process of genetic mutation. It's blood was radioactive. Peter is lucky to even be alive after something like that.

He lept off the wall, the shadows of the buildings and his hood hiding his face.

"He's leapin' around like some sorta spider!", shouted one of the thugs. Peter threw another punch. That's two thugs knocked out. He saw the other three making a run for it. Before they could escape, Peter had knocked them out. They all had nosebleeds.

Not knowing how to react to what just happened, Peter muttered three words.

"What the hell?"

What just happened? Does he actually have powers? He looked up to the wall of the alleyway. He leapt up to it, spreading his hands out, and he slammed into the wall, letting out a slight grunt of pain when he did so.

But he didn't fall. He was sticking. He was sticking to the side of the building. His eyes were widened in shock, sweat blending with drops of rain rolling down his cheeks. He looked up, and saw the rooftop about fifty feet above.

He lifted one hand off, the other sticking onto the building. He let out a yelp as his body hung from that specific hand. He looked down, and tried placing his feet to the building, too.

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