Chapter Four: Great Responsibility

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The sound of police sirens grew closer as he trailed the chase, thwipping through Manhattan at shocking speeds. Peter had been in his Spider-Man costume again, and he was out to serve justice tonight. A man took his uncle's life and now Peter was determined to take his. He saw the line of vehicles at last and watched as his Uncle's car took a sharp left, now heading for a warehouse on the borderline of Manhattan. The police cars couldn't follow without risking the injuries of citizens, but Peter could. While the police took a detour, Peter stopped on a building across the street from said warehouse. He perched on the rooftop and made a few observations of the warehouse. It was worn down and beat up, had two floors, and the roof looked like it was barely holding up. Most windows were too dusted to see inside and the doors of the building were busted open. Police pulled up and Peter snapped out of his trance. He jumped off of the building, and thwipped past the officers, into the warehouse. The officers had fallen back, now considering that there may be a potential hostage.

Peter had been silent when getting into the warehouse, so the man hadn't realized he wasn't alone. Peter had made discreet noises, to scare the man, crawling along the cieling. The man had eventually fled to the second floor, where Spider-Man silently followed.

After a bit of this, the man shouted out, fear in his voice. Though, he would be fearful for a lot more than his freedom soon.

"Who's there-!?", he shouted, his body practically shaking. Peter silently landed behind him, and shot a web to his back. The man let out a yelp, and had begun to freak out.

"Help- help me!!! Anyone!!"

Peter yanked him with full force and the thug landed in front of the teenager. The man held up a gun, and Peter gripped his hand. He heard a crack. He wasn't sure whose hand was injured. It was the man's. He didn't care, regardless. This man took Ben's life, he was going to pay.

"So you think it's okay to just shoot someone, huh!?", Peter shouted, anger eminent in his voice. The man whimpered as tears of fear escaped his cheeks. Peter tossed him next to a window, the man was hunched over on the ground, crying.

"Please- I want to live-"

"Save it!", Peter shouted, gripping the man by the collar of his shirt and lifting him into the air. He pulled his other arm back, prepared to start punching, but then he stopped. The man was gripping his hand. The man's right hand had a scar. The moonlight now shone on his face and revealed another going through his left eye.

"Please- please-"

This is my fault.

"I'll do anything- just let me go-"

I have no right to take this man's life away when I indirectly helped him in the first place.

"Are you- are you even listening-?"

Peter let go of the man, and he fell to the ground. He cleared his throat, trying to sound calm and understanding.

"Turn yourself in and go with the police. You ended a man's life tonight. Be glad yours is being spared."

With that, the man gave a frantic nod and fled the warehouse. Peter watched through a broken window as the man was put in cuffs, and saw the police start to enter the building. He decided it was his time to go. The swing home was.... hard. He didn't know how to feel. Or how to forgive himself. He caused his uncle's death.

He got into a change of clothes and headed home. He got home around seven forty three and walked in on a crying May and Tyler trying to hold back tears in front of her. Two men in suits were just leaving, and Peter let them get by. The two brothers made eye contact, and neither of them could hold back. They both burst into tears, and all three of them were now holding each other, bawling their eyes out over the loss of their loved one.

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