Chapter Six: Shocker and Chameleon

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He pulled his shirt off and threw it to the floor, the bathroom door locked.

"You okay in there Peter? Why didn't you use the bathroom in Harry's room?", Mary Jane asked, from the other side of the door.

"I don't wanna break his toilet! I feel sick!", he lied. He had actually used the main bathroom in Harry's place because it was directly connected to an exit from the building. He needed to get out of there right away.

"A-alright.. I'll go tell him you're in here-", she spoke hesitantly. After a moment's silence he heard the clicking of her feet grow farther and farther away. He got into his suit and grabbed his clothes, before jumping out of a window, and swinging to the south. He was quick to put his clothes on top of a building on the way to his stop. His heart was racing and pounding at the thought of the notification he read.

'Bank Robbery. 20 officers injured so far.'

It didn't take the boy long to find out where it was but he knew neither Harry or Mary Jane would be happy with his disappearance.

He extended out his right arm, all fingers stretched out, before pulling in his middle and ring finger, and a web launched from his forearm. It attached to a building and the dual identity teenager sloppily yanked to gather some momentum towards Harlem of Manhattan. After allowing his limbs to jerk in the wind beating against his body real quick, the boy shot another web, launching himself with apparent hesitation once more.

He took a wrong turn and was headed straight for the side of a building now, and he jumped off the web and extended his feet in front of him. They landed and stuck to the side of the building as he stumbled a bit. Peter hadn't been used to his powers yet, nor the strength they offer. This isn't the first time these past three weeks he's slipped up. He started running alongside the exterior wall in the direction of the crime once more, before leaping off where it ended. The boy started swinging again, and explosions became audible.

He finally landed on a building right across the street from the bank that was supposedly being robbed. Peter looked around to see ambulances pulling up, and cots transporting injured officers into the vehicles. His eyes widened at the site of the scene. That's when his gaze drifted to the entrance of the building. There was a huge hole there and his eyes widened once more upon seeing a shockwave of some sort. He watched police jump out of the way before it dented a police car, and quite literally forced it back. He couldn't wait any longer, he had to get involved. He leapt down from his perching point and struck a somewhat smooth landing. Peter shot a web to a post lamp by the bank before quickly using it as leverage to swing in through the entrance. He landed once again and stood up, before looking around. He saw two figures walking through the smoke. He noticed one had a yellow suit on with a patched pattern, wearing gauntlets of some sort. Red decorated the chest and pack to help contrast the colors in the suit. The man had slim lens in his patched mask, which happened to be white, and he was flaunting red boots, as well. He looked to his side to see a man in a tuxedo, he had white gloves and a white mask which seemed stitched around his eyes, nose, and mouth.

"There ya are, Spider.", the man with the gauntlets spoke up, a thick german accent breaking through his deep voice.

"Hope you don't mind, but we thought we'd throw you a surprise party here at the bank.", the man in the suit smirked, a slight hint of turkish accent decorated his sinister voice.

"Who are you guys, the clowns who never showed up to my tenth birthday party?", Peter quipped, behind the mask.

They both scoffed and the man in the suit walked up.

"You got me and my buddy here arrested. But, you can call him with the gauntlets, The Shocker, and me, The Chameleon.", spoke the man in the white mask.

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