1. Charlotte Hadden

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Charlotte Hadden
Chapter 1

Charlotte HaddenChapter 1Charlie

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*Beep.. beep.. beep.. beep*

'Arghhh' I groan, as my alarm on my phone goes off for the third time this morning. I remember setting my alarm the night before, for 6:30 am, knowing I would hit the snooze button a few times before rolling out of bed. I wish I was one of those girls that got up at 5 am, went on a morning jog, eat fruit and drink a gallon of water before starting their day, but sadly, I'm the opposite. I'm lazy and I procrastinate far to much to do anything that's actually productive.

This morning is meant to be the first day of the the Easter holidays, but not for me. Instead, it's the first day of the college course that I reluctantly promised my mom, Julia, I would enroll in. Being 17, I should have already finished my first year of college, me being me however, got kicked of the course within the first 4 months due to never completing any of my assignments, and messing around to much in class.

College isn't like school. At school if I messed around, I would get a detention and then start again the next day. There's no second chances in college.

I wouldn't actually class myself as a naughty our a troubled student, I just never take things to seriously. I enjoy life to much to be serious. My mom said I would come to regret it when I'm her age and I have no real qualifications.

I open my curtains and window slightly, letting in the spring air while I take in my new surroundings. My family and I moved to the area a week ago after my dad, Andrew, got a promotion at his law firm. My parents argued about this, my mom wanted to stay in our old area, not wanting me and my brothers and sisters to be spoiled.

This house is much bigger then our old one. My new room seems huge compared to the box room I shared with Holly. She's four years younger than me and is obsessed with Shawn Mendes, our bedroom was always littered with posters of him, but it didn't bother me much.

looking at my new bedroom, that has plain white walls, wooden flooring that's covered in boxes labelled 'Charlie,' I take a mental note to start unpacking this weekend.

I take a quick shower as I'm now conscious of the time, choose my outfit for the day; a white tank top with a lacy black bra under, black skinny jeans and black and white classic vans. I like how the white vest makes my tanned skin stand out. I blow dry my long, blond, highlighted hair and decide if I want it curled or straight. I go for straight.

I take out my phone to call Scarlett, my best friend who has agreed to start the course with me and see I have a message from Reece, my boyfriend of 2 years. It simply reads
*morning babe, have a nice day at college x* and a message from my mom.
*Don't be late for college hated being late for anything, so did I actually.
She's already left for work like my dad, and my sister and brothers have already left for school.
        "Heyyyy Charlie!" Scarlett answers the phone after 2 rings.

"Morning babes, are you ready for the first day of the rest of our lives?" I say laughing, she is the sort of friend I can be silly around.

        "I am indeed." She laughs back.

"cool, I'll meet you off the bus at the top of my road and then we can walk from mine to college?"
        "yep that's the plan, I'm just waiting for the bus  so leave yours in 10, see you in a bit. Love ya" she replies.

"Love ya" I end the call.

I reply to Reece to let him know I'm leaving for college. Reece is my age, but he went to a different school to me and Scarlett. We met at one of Scarlett's family get together's 2 years ago and have been together since then. I fondly remember, in a game of truth and dare, how he was dared to kiss me.

He later admitted that he told his friends to dare him on purpose, because he was to shy to actually approach me, which is hard to believe considering every girl there was drooling over him. 

He is tall and has dirty blond hair, with a fringe that sweeps to the side and piercing blue eyes that just melted me. Reece is my first boyfriend and my parents love him; he is currently doing his A levels at a college in the city centre and aspires to be a lawyer like my dad.

Before I leave mine, I apply some makeup; just a little bronzer, some mascara and lipgloss. I twirled my tongue bar over my lips, like I always do when I'm feeling anxious, grab Reece's hoody, that I claimed for myself after he left it at mine the once, and head for the door.

I walk the short journey to the bus stop while admiring all the perfectly mowed lawns on my new street. I'm only waiting 3 minutes before Scarlett's bus arrives and she jumps off, greeting me with a huge smile and a tight hug.

Scarlett looks stunning as usual. Her long brunette hair, with blond highlights is pulled back into a high pony. She's wearing a coral, of the shoulder jumper, stone washed skinny jeans and Chelsea boots. She also has her hooped earrings in, and a choker necklace with a star in the middle, giving her an edge.

"Morning gorgeous" I greet her.

       "Morning you posh cow! How's life on the other side?!" she says, teasing me.

"haha, very funny!" I roll my eyes, prodding her in the arm with my finger.

       "ok ok but seriously, have you found any eye candy yet?" she says, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Scarlett! No! besides why would I need to, I'm with Reece" I shout, giggling at her.

      "ooo sorry, I don't know why you like him so much anyway." She says, winking.

"Yeah you wouldn't, he's your cousin. Your sexy, fit, gorgeous cousin" I say, swooning over him.

Scarlett makes a gagging sound and we both fall into fits of giggles. I love our friendship; we can say what we like to each other without falling out. We have been best friends since year 7 when we had to partner up for music class and write a song. We messed around the whole lesson and ended up having to make a song up on the spot. It was so bad, that we both earned our first, of many detentions together.

        "speaking of eye candy," she begins excitedly, "I saw a guy on the bus. He had these beautiful brown eyes, he looked straight at me and winked. I almost dropped down dead!" She puts her hand across her forehead and pretends to faint.

"no," I gasp. "did you speak to him?" I ask, knowing she would never dream of speaking to a guy first.

         "absolutely not! I'm not desperate" she says while smirking.

We spend the rest of our journey talking about how her and the boy on the bus, that we've lovingly nicknamed 'bus boy', will somehow find their way back to each other, marry and have 3 children. Before we know it, we have reached the gates of Solihull College & University.

I check the time on my phone at its bang on 9 am.

"shit we're late," I say to scarlett. "come on let's go and find the class" my mom will literally kill me if I get kicked of another course. I take her arm and navigate us through the now, empty corridors to room 38.

I push the door open and the room is full. The tables have been turned into a U-shape and there are two empty chairs at the very end. I head towards the tutor to apologise for us being late, when Scarlett squeezes my hand and lets out a noise that's a mixture of a quite scream and a gasp. I follow her eyes to a dark-haired boy sitting closest to the door.

          "it's bus boy" she whispers.

"oh my god!" I say as she wastes no time taking the seat right next to him.

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