part 2

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After school that day, Lucas decided to cycle to Max' house and talk to her. It was obvious El had a crush on Max so Lucas wanted to become friends and then hopefully introduce El & Max because he knew El would be too scared to do it herself.

When the door opened after he knocked, Lucas was greeted with the face of an older man who looked like he was in his early twenties or possibly younger.

"Oh, hi, I'm Lucas.." Lucas introduced himself to the man.
"Hey, I'm Billy. I'm Max's older brother, are you her friend?" Billy asked Lucas.
"Yeah! I'm totally her friend!" Lucas said almost too enthusiastically.
"Sure, I'll go get her." Billy smiled.

Max came down the carpeted stairs and stood in the door way.
"Hey..Lucas, right?" Max asked.
"Uh, yeah. That's me!" Lucas smiled at her.
"Yeah, cool! So why do you want to talk to me and how did you find my house?" Max said.
"Oh! Yeah! I don't wanna sound like a stalker but I've seen you go into your house around here when I've been cycling around so I just guessed it was yours and I hoped it was. I also came to talk because I wanna be friends!" Lucas replied and grinned widely.

Max smiled.
"Maybe we could talk in school? Another time? I gotta go right now." Max said.
"Oh, okay! I'm just wondering, do you have any other friends?" Lucas asked.
Lucas wanted to know if she had any other friends because he wanted another friend or two.
" I have no other friends, sorry!" Max replied quickly and shut the door with a quick smile.

"Huh" Lucas though that Max was kinda suspicious.

Little does he know, Max is a really rude person and doesn't care about who she hurts. She did have another friend. His name is William Byers and the reason she didn't tell Lucas about him is because she's ashamed of Will. He's gay and she's homophobic. She's even planning on outing him to the whole school and embarrassing him.

Ever since she found out he's gay, she's been embarrassed and disgusted to have him as a friend and she wants to end their friendship in the meanest way she can think of and that's her whole outing him to the school plan. Poor Will.

The reason why Max didn't want to hang out with Lucas or invite him in is because she knew Will would be coming over and she did not want anybody seeing her with the 'freak'.

On his way home, Lucas sees a boy with freckles like paint splattered across his nose and cheeks, brown hazelnut hair and shiny beautiful brown eyes.

Lucas goes over to him because he thinks he looks kind and could be a good person & or friend.

Lucas introduced himself and the boy said his name is Will and that he was walking over to his friend Max's house. Will was kind, shy, fragile and definitely seemed like a good person and a good friend.

"Oh..that's weird.." Lucas thought out loud.
"What is?" Will looked up and asked timidly.
"Well.. I don't know but.. Max said she doesn't have any friends. I just came from her house and she told me that." Lucas said sadly.
Will looked sad and disappointed.

"How could she say that?..I've been friends with her since kindergarten!" Will sounded angry and upset.

After a long chat with Will, Lucas decided to go to El's house and talk with her. Maybe he could tell El that Max is suspicious.

Hey guys! So if you've read the second part on Instagram you've probably realised that I changed the story a bit slightly and explained Max's backstory a bit better. Hope you enjoyed! Love you.

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