part 7

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* Richie's POV *

{ in this au, mike has no siblings. }

So, Karen proceeded to tell Mike and I that we are twin brothers. She told us that she and Ted didn't have enough money to raise two children and they had to put one of us up for adoption. I was the one they put up for adoption, obviously.

Karen asked what my birth moms name is and when I told her it is Maggie Tozier she said that she's sure I'm the twin. She knows the person who adopted me when I was a baby and her name was Maggie except she doesn't remember the second name but she doubts this is just a coincidence.

( guys, please be aware that I know NOTHING about adoption, oops. I'm just saying random stuff to fit the story ummm so please go along with it? Ty )

Mike and I were both stunned.

I was both stunned and scared. What was gonna happen? Was Karen going to take me in now that she can afford it? Was I going to move to Hawkins? I was just here to see my boyfriend Eddie who moved away a couple of weeks ago. I wouldn't mind moving here if I'm being honest.

Maggie used to be a great mother but she has recently turned to alcohol since the death of my father and no longer cares about me. But, I have all the Losers back home and I don't want to leave them. Maybe if I did move here, Eddie and I could go and visit the Losers back home sometimes.

I got here by bus, it is around an hours journey.
( aha, lets just pretend it is oop. )
I decide to ask what will happen.

"What's going to happen to me?" I stare at Karen and she smiles slightly.

"What do you want?" She looks at me thoughtfully and Mike looks at me eagerly.

"I..want to stay. My mom hasn't been the greatest mom recently and I don't think she would really even care."

( is it even legal for children to just casually tell their adoption mommas that they're going back to live with their birth mommas? Well, it is in Hawkins and Derry in the 80's because I make my own rules. )

Karen nods understandingly. I give her my mom's phone number and my mom doesn't really even care. Karen says we don't have to go back to my house and get my clothes and maybe she or my friends can bring me to Starcourt to get me new clothes. I like the idea of going with my 'friends'. I don't think I will call them my friends yet but I want to be able to so that's why I want to go Starcourt Mall with them.

I ask Karen if I can go with them tomorrow and she agrees. El, Mike, Will and Eddie are gonna come. So are these two guys called Lucas & Dustin who are apparently El's friends. She calls them and asks them do they want to come and they agree so I hope I am gonna have lots of new friends here. I feel like I belong already.

Karen tells me a few years ago she had a miscarriage and they still have a spare room that the baby was gonna sleep in and that it can be my room. She asks Mike if I can sleep in his room for the next few nights until they get me a bed and he agrees. He says he will sleep on the floor and I can sleep in the bed. I already like him, he's kind. I smile and agree guiltily. I feel bad because I don't want him sleeping on the floor in his own room but he insists.

* El's POV *

I'm really excited to go to Starcourt Mall with Richie, Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin. I feel like I haven't hung out with Lucas and Dustin in ages. This also gives me a chance to get to know Mike better and for Lucas and Dustin to properly meet Will. I know Lucas has already met him but now they can get to know eachother properly. This also gives Richie a chance to get to know everyone.

- The next day -

I walk to the mall with Will and we wait by the bike racks. That's where everyone said to meet yesterday. We are the firsts ones there.
Soon after, we see Mike and Richie in the distance. Mike is riding his bike and Richie is sitting on the back of his bike, arms around Mikes waist, holding on.

Karen will probably buy Richie a bike soon so he doesn't always have to get on with Mike. Richie waves from the back of the bike and grins. Will and I wave back, smiling.

They get off and Mike puts his bike in the rack as we all begin talking.

A few minutes later, we see Eddie walking towards us alone. Richie hugs him and then he joins in on the wait for Lucas and Dustin. They come after 5 minutes and we all walk into the mall.

Richie is amazed and we all laugh at his astonishment. He is so excited and keeps talking about how cool it is. He explains that Derry is a boring town and doesn't have awesome malls like this one. Eddie agrees with this statement.

Richie, Eddie and I begin talking and I notice Lucas, Mike, Dustin and Will all engaging in conversation and laughing and smiling with eachother. I knew they would get along. I smile to myself.

We all decided to go to 'Scoops Ahoy' and get some ice cream. Richie offers to pay ( with Karen's money ) and we all agree. Mike and I begin talking about school and Eddie and Will are speaking. Richie comes back and begins a conversation with Dustin and Lucas.

Soon after, everyone begins talking with each other as a group. I don't want this 2 week break to end but I know it has to. We will we back in school in 2 days and I really don't wanna go back.

We all go outside the mall after we have finished shopping and have gotten Richie enough clothes.

We are standing outside the mall.
"Thanks guys, this means a lot to me. I'm glad to have made friends already. I miss the Losers and Derry but you guys have helped with that. I thought it would be hard adjusting to living here but once again, you guys have helped with that." We have a group hug and he smiles at us all.

Eddie starts teasing him about being all sappy and they both start play arguing. They're a pretty cute couple. We all laugh at their bickering. It's time to leave so I hug everyone apart from Will goodbye since I will be walking home with him. He and I are having a sleepover. Eddie kisses Richie a quick kiss goodbye and they both blush. I admire their bravery to do that in public.

Mike smiles and waves and so does Richie and they cycle away. Lucas and Dustin wave goodbye aswell. Eddie tells Will and I that he is scared to walk alone in the dark so Will and I offer to walk with him. He agrees and on the way there, Will asks if Eddie would like to join us and have a sleepover with us.

Eddie tells us his mom is kinda crazy but he can try and convince her to let him. Will nods and we walk into his home. Nobody is home yet but Joyce will most likely let Eddie stay with us. Eddie calls his mom and he is standing at the phone for about ten minutes before she finally agrees to let him stay over.

Eddie smiles at us and we give a thumbs up and smile back. I like Eddie and I can sense Will does too. Eddie is a nice guy. Will calls Joyce and asks if 'his new friend can stay over' and she says yes.

Hi! A lot happened in this chapter but I hope you enjoyed. I will include their sleepover in the next part. Love you all. xox
( also, ignore my lack of knowledge with the whole adoption thing, oop. )
ALSO ewww this is soo unrealistic wtf

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