part 8

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* Eddie's POV *

I'm excited to be here. I didn't have any friends in Hawkins and now I've gained so many in one day. I have Dustin, Lucas, El, Will and Mike. I'm surprised I didn't meet any of them earlier.

I probably would of met them in the school I'll be attending soon. I was so nervous about going in but now I'll actually have people with me to help me. I'll also have Richie so that's awesome. Him and I are usually so brave about our relationship in public but I don't think I'll be able to be as affectionate with him when we're on school grounds. I don't like the thought of all the people there seeing us, especially bullies.

I know for sure that if Richie and I were to make our relationship known throughout the school, bullies would be on to us.

Anyways, I'm not gonna worry about that. I'm at a sleepover with El and Will at Will's house. I'm telling them about Derry and the losers and
how I miss them. They understand. They tell me things about their life and it's pretty fun.

- 2 hours later -

El and I are dancing to Madonna and Will is drawing a picture of us both. El asked him
to since he's a good artist. He keeps getting angry at us for moving because he can't focus properly on our features and we laugh and move around more just to annoy him. I get tired and resort to his bed to read a comic.

He's satisfied with my tiredness and now he is finally able to focus and get a proper drawing. I laugh at this but now he's done my part and getting angry again with El.

She laughs and sits down for him.

"Guys, this art is gonna be soooo bad. I'm terrible at art." He flops back onto the bed and El rolls her eyes.
"Shut up, Will. Your art is so good!"

He huffs and rolls his eyes and continued his drawing.

"Can I look around at all the stuff in your room?" I ask him.
"Sure, go ahead Ed." I roll my eyes at this nickname and try to hide a smile at the thoughts of Richie now coming into my head.
"That is an awful name, do NOT call me that."
He laughs.
"I only said it because it rhymes." He grins and looks at me and I make a face.

It's only 8pm and Will says his mom will be home soon and she can make us food then unless we are hungry now. El and I tell him we're not and he nods.

"Done!" He shouts triumphantly.

I jump up excitedly. I wanna see if he's good. I'm pretty sure he is because I saw drawings he made hanging up on the walls in Mikes basement. I also want to ask him a question about him and Mike, they seem close and i think they could be dating but I'll ask that after we see the drawing.

"Let us see!" El says happily. He groans and hands it to her. Her eyes widen in awe and I sit behind her. I see the drawing now and it's so detailed and cool. I love it. Will is amazing at art and I wish he wouldn't doubt himself with it.

In Will's picture, El and I are dancing like we were earlier and smiling. There are freckles on my face just like my real ones and he drew small stars in my eyes so they look like they're sparkling. My hair is neat as usual and I'm wearing what I'm wearing now: a fanny pack, denim shorts and a white t-shirt. I smile as I look at it. He even included my inhaler coming up out of my pocket.

El has small freckles that you can barely see and she's smiling. Her hair is down and you can see it bouncing up in the picture. She's wearing what she's wearing now: a yellow and black t-shirt with black trousers (pants, idk whatever you call them). He put so much detail in and I love the picture so much.

I get up and hug him.
"Will, it's so good!" I hug tighter and he laughs.
"Thanks, Eddie." Will grins at him.
"It's awesome Will. I love it so much." She kisses his cheek and he blushes. Maybe he and El have something going on instead of him and Mike?

"Who's gonna keep it?" I look at El. She smiles.
"I love it but you can have it. I have so many drawings that Will has done for me so I'll let you have it." She hands it to me and ruffles my hair, grinning. I smile and put it on his desk.

"What am I gonna wear tonight since I don't have pyjamas with me?" I look around.
"You can wear my clean ones." Will roots around his wardrobe (closet, idk. once again, whatever you call it lol). He pulls out some pyjamas and hands them to me.
"Sorry Eddie, but you can't brush your teeth tonight."
I mentally gag because my breath will be disgusting but I nod and smile. I'll be fine. I can brush my teeth as soon as I get home tomorrow.

El already brought pyjamas since she knew she would be staying over and she goes into the bathroom to get changed and Will and I both get changed in his room and we both turn around.

El comes back and we all sit on his bed. I decided to ask my question about Will and Mike. I hope this won't make him uncomfortable.

"Hey Will, I don't mean to be rude but is there anything going on with you and Mike? You two seem close. I don't want to be nosy, you don't have to answer if you don't want to." Will looks down with a sad look on his face. He lifts his head up and he and El share a look and he nods. She explains what happened.

She explains how Mike and Will used to be together and how Mike cheated but then apologised and how he and Will remained very close friends. Wow, I can't believe Mike chested but I'm glad he and Will remained friends.

She then delves into a story about a girl called Max. She tells me all about Max. Max seems like an awful person and I'm glad she and Will are no longer friends.

Just then, we hear the door open and Will and El both get up so I get up too.
"That's probably my mom." Will and El walk towards the door so I follow. We walk to the kitchen and I see the smiling face of a woman with brown hair and bangs and brown sparkling eyes greet us.

"You must be Eddie! Hi! It's so nice to meet you." I smile at her and I already like her, she's so friendly. She returns the smile.
"Hi Mrs Byers! Nice to meet you too."
"Call me Joyce." I nod and grin.
"You guys hungry?" She asks and we all nod.

"What do you want?"
"Can we" El asks and Joyce nods.
"Yeah, sure!" We all thanks her and Will hugs her. We go back to his room and check the time. It's 9pm.

For the rest of the night, we read comics, dance, have fun, play board games, eat and listen to music. I'm so glad El and Will are my friends.

This is kinda a filler chapter but I hope you enjoyed anyways! Love you all. <3

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