part 3

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* Lucas' POV *

I cycled to El's house today and knocked on the door.
"Hey Lucas!" She smiles and greeted.
"Whatcha doing here?" She inquired.
"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and talk?" I asked.
"Okay.. sure!" El replied and smiled widely at me, I returned it.

We are now out walking in the forest and I think I should mention Max and my suspicions on her.

"Hey.. don't you think that Maxine girl is..kinda weird?" I started.
"Wha-? No, I think she's beau- I mean! Why do you think she's weird?" El panicked slightly after her attempt to cover up how she was obviously gonna say 'beautiful'.

"I don't know..I went to her house yesterday after school because I thought me and her could be friends but she acted all weird and she seemed like she really wanted to go as soon as she came to the door and she was speaking fast. She then said she had to go and I just wanted to know if she has friends so I asked and she said she had none and then she just shut the door in my face." I said all at once.

"Okay, that is a BIT weird, but.. how is her not having friends weird?" El looked at me confused. Of course! I forgot to mention Will.
"Oh! Yeah! Well, that's the thing. I met her best friend, Will on the way home and he said he was walking to her house. That's the thing I don't get. Why did she lie about not having friends?" I asked.

El looked sad when I mentioned Will. I wonder why? I think my suspicions on her having a crush on Max might just be true.. otherwise, why would she seem...jealous?
"Oh..uh..yeah.. that is strange.." El replied with a tone of sadness in her voice.

"Hey Lucas, I think I'm gonna go home now."
"Oh, okay! Bye El.. see ya tomorrow!"

* El's POV *

Im not sure why but when Lucas mentioned Max's friend Will, I felt.. jealous. Why would I feel jealous? She's not even my friend. I'm starting to think I might actually have a..crush on Max.

She's just so beautiful and determined. I really want to be her friend. Even if she didn't like me back, I would still like to be friends with her because she seems really cool. But.. as Lucas said: she's suspicious and strange.

Why would she say she doesn't have any friends when she does? It really makes no sense to me.

I should probably stop thinking of M-

I bump into someone.
"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim.
He smiles warmly.
"No, it's fine! I should of been watching where I was going." He laughs. I'm not sure why but I do too, his laugh is almost infectious. He's pretty small and he's with a tall boy with a head of black hair, brown eyes and cute little freckles dotted across his face.
The small boy I bumped into has a bowlcut with hazelnut hair and brown eyes. He also has cute little freckles dotted across his face.

"I'm Will and this is my boyfriend Mike." His eyes widen slightly as he says boyfriend and he then looks nervous as though he shouldn't of said the word 'boyfriend'. I get why. He probably thinks I'm homophobic but I reassure him I'm not by smiling brightly and introducing myself to them both.

"Oh cool! Nice to meet you both. I'm El."
"Nice to meet you too, El." Mike replies.

I smile again.
"I have to go now but I'll probably see you two around soon. Bye!"
"Bye El!" Will replies.
"Bye!" Mike smiles.

"Wait! Before I go, can I have your number Will? And Mike, I will ask Will for yours once I call him."
"Sure! But where will I write it?"
"We can just go to mine and get a pen and paper, Will." Mike says. "It's not far from
here." Mike says to me. "I promise it'll be quick."
"Sure." I say.

I follow them both to a beautiful large house in a beautiful neighbourhood. We walk in and the interior is lovely. Mike leads us down to the basement and then Will writes down his number on a random piece of paper we find lying around. I thank them and they lead me back to where we were in the woods and I set off home.

I also made a few alterations to this chapter so it's not entirely like the actual third chapter on Instagram. I still hope you enjoyed! Love you.

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