Blinding Tears and Bold Bullies

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Only after there was a bang on the bathroom door did I even realize that I'd spent atleast 20 minutes in the bathroom sobbing. "Adam, out now. What the hell are you even doing in there?" Leo's voice sounded through the door. Did she not hear me crying? Surely she could tell that I wanted to be alone. "Adam, kiddo, come on." Her voice wasnt nearly as booming or angry, instead it seemed almost calming.

Slowly but surely, I got to my feet and wiped my runny nose and eyes. I kept my eyes to the floor as I attempted to push past Leo. She managed to catch my wrist, keeping me where I was, "Adam, I know whatever's happening in your head must suck," Was she being nice to me? "But I need you to shut up and quit moping. You're fine." There we go, normal Leo was back. Then, she let me go and went back downstairs.

Great, now I had to go face everyone with puffy eyes and a red face. Just lovely. They'd all laugh at me anyway, so why not give them extra ammo.

See, the most of the kids in the adoption center with me are all foster system rejects. We all went from house to house until litterally no one wanted us, and that left all of us either vengeful or depressed or sometimes both. Im just depressed. Disphoric and depressed.

Slowly, I pulled myself together and headed down to the main floor of the center. I headed down into Hell.

"Hey, Evie~!" I heard an all too familiar voice call from he other side of the main hall. Oh no...

"Oh, Evelyn, don't you ignore her." Another voice purred from next to the hellish figure.

Then, the pair walked over. Maddie and her second in command Lina. Both bratty, obnoxious, transphobic girls. Both intent on making my life even more of a dysphoric hell.

"It's Adam. Not Evie." I mumble under my breath, trying to push my way past the two girls blocking my way.

Lina made sure I couldn't leave, blocking me from moving, "Not so fast, sweetheart. You and I both know that it is Evie. That's the name your mother gave you." Maddie bit her lip, clearly enjoying the angry look on my face. They clearly couldn't leave me alone for one day.

With the anger that Maddie's comment produced, I pushed past the pair with strength I rarely used. I tried to keep my breathing slow and my eyes closed as I walked away quickly, trying to ignore Maddie and Lina's obnoxious laughs.

'Dont cry. Dont cry. Do. Not. Cry.' I told myself as I walked into the kitchen.

This place was going to be the death of me.

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