The Boys

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The men, both wearing black and bits of yellow, looked around at a few kids. They oddly enough didn't seem too interested in the younger kids. Maybe they were after someone older like me? That's weird. But then again, the orphanage didn't get many gay couples, so they stood out anyway. They also seemed familiar, which made this whole thing much more confusing.

These guys? How do I know them? Where have I seen them before?

I'm pulled from my thoughts as I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey, kid, mind if we talk a bit?" I looked up to see one of the two dudes, the one with the backwards snap back and a nose ring, smiling at me as the other with the hoodie stayed a bit.

"Uhh, sure." I put a smile on my face and lean casually against the wall I'd perched myself at.

Snapback guy smiled, "So, Kiddo, what's your name? I'm Josh Dun, and this," he gestured to Hoddie guy, "is my best friend Tyler Joseph."

"Oh, uhh, I'm... Adam."

"Yah, sure, Kiddo, you don't seem to sure of that." Snapback- no, Josh teasing laughed.

"Yeah," I laugh, biting my lip to stifle it a tad so I don't sound too feminine, "It's just Adam.  I don't like my last name."

The corners of Tyler's lips turned down a tad, but he shook it off. I guess he remembered he was in a room with a bunch of depressed kids.

"Hey, Adam," Tyler looked back at Josh, who nodded, "How would you feel about spending the day with us? Your headmistress, Ms. Leo, said we could do that if we wanted to get to know you better."

I looked at the both of them, sort of dumbfounded. They wanted to hang out with me? With me of all people? What?! I had even realized the big, toothy grin that had formed on my lips. "I'd, uh... I'd love that! Thanks!"

"Then let's get you outta here!" Josh smiled and slung an arm around my shoulder, leaving Tyler to tell Leo that I was leaving.

Maybe my luck was getting better.

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