prada dollhouses be packin'

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Richie and eddie were at their house packing at 2 in the morning before their 6am flight to jamaica.

"riCHiE gEt mE tHe sUiTcASE!!!!" eddie yelled to richie from somewhere in the house.

"iM tRyING tO gET iT oUt fROm uNdEr tHe DoLLhOUsE iDiOt!!!" richie yelled back.

Rachel starts crying because she spilt her juice all over her new shirt.

"eDdiE!!!! WhEREs mY sHirT fRoM yEsTeRDay!!??//1/1/" richie screamed over Rachel.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" samantha cried.

"wE'rE gOnnA bE LATE!" eddie yelled at both of them.

About an hour later...

"EdS!!1!!1! cALL tHe cAr!!!!!" richie said.

"I Am tHe cAr biTcH vROoM vRoOm" eddie said, annoyed.

The car was finally at their house...

"Okay do we have everything we need?" eddie asked.

"Yeah I think so." richie replied.

"Ok then lets go... CmON rAchEL!!!!" eddie yelled.

The three of them ran out of the house with their suitcases. Richie had decided to bring the doll house with him since he couldn't seperate them apart.

"riCHiE yOu diPsHit whY wOuLD yOU bRiNG THE dOlL hOUse.??14@#>"

"bEcAUsE iTs pRadA" said eddie said after taking his many medications to prepare him for air travel. (he's high as a kite)

"eDdiE tHaTs a LoT oF mEdICatioN fOr oNe fLigHt!"

"geT iN tHe cAr riChiE!"

the bitchin' end (for now) ohhhohhhohhh

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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