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Yoongi happened to arrive around an hour later than was asked and as the free weekend before the kids' arrival passed, he had been nothing but bothersome. He didn't clean up after himself, he always played loud music till late and he was overall just tiring. You really don't know how you will handle taking care of a kid when he's also acting like a child. You also learned that he can't cook and isn't willing to learn either. You just hoped that he would help you take care of this adoptee child. Right now you were once again seated in the lobby with Areum, Taehyung, Seokjin, his surprisingly nice partner Mina, and Yoongi. All of you were waiting to be called in the small room to the side where you will pick up your baby. ( A/N : that's so weird to type out for me. I completely dispise babies. But then again this whole story is old school where kids aren't addicted to phones, and then I suddenly do like babies.)

" Park Areum and Kim Taehyung." Your best friend and her partner were called.

" Wish me luck." She smiled at you as you nodded and held her hand for a moment.

She soon dissapeared behind the door and came out a moment later with a child in her arms. She gave you a smile before walking to the elevator, Taehyung beaming at the child in her arms while carrying a bag.

Seokjin and Mina were called a few moments later too and now it was just you and Yoongi, who seemed to be asleep.

" I hope we get a boy." Yoongi suddenly said as he opened his eyes and looked at you.

" Why's that?" You asked him.

" Boys are less whiny." He stated.

" That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." You told him.

" And why's that?" He raised a brow at you.

" You're whining here in hopes to have a boy. And I don't know, but that works against yourself, boy. " You smiled.

" Whatever." He said before closing his eyes again.

" L/N Y/N and Min Yoongi." Your teacher called out, making you and Yoongi stand up.

" Alright kids, sit down. This is Naeun, she's currently four months old. She's not completely healthy and therefore needs to be fed every three hours, even at night. Do not forget that. This is your notepad, you will write everything down you do and at what time you do it. If you're leaving the house with her to get groceries, you write it down, if you're changing diapers, you write it down and so forth. The first week I want a repport of every day on my desk. If the first week goes well, you'll be allowed to take care of her with less supervision, meaning that I will only need your report every sunday. Also your budget will be 400,- a month, don't use it for yourself. Understood?" Your teacher informed you.

You and Yoongi nodded as he accepted the notepad.

" Alright, who wants to carry her upstairs?" She asked as you and Yoongi exchanged looks.

" She'll do it." Yoongi said uninterested.

" You better help in this Yoongi, you need a good grade and it isn't nice for your partner if she'll have to do everything herself. By the way, you'll carry the bag over there. Bag number 5 is yours." Your teacher pointed at a big grocery bag in the corner.

" And you, come with me." Your teacher said as you did what was told.

You were led into a side room where there were all small beds and you cooed at the babies you saw.

" This is her." Your teacher smiled at you as you two stopped in front of a bed which was numbered with a 5.

" Can I pick her up?" You asked her with a big smile.

" Of course, tough I do have to tell you she tends to cry a lot for no apparent reason..." She stopped talking as you had picked the baby up, who didn't seem to mind at all, instead she wriggled around to find a comfortable spot in your arms and sighed once she found it.

You both walked back out and you walked over to Yoongi, smiling and showing him the baby.

" Yoongi, say hi to Naeun." You smiled at him as you showed her to him.

He scrunched his nose up and walked out of the door.

" We'll hand in our first report tonight ma'am. You told your teacher who smiled and nodded at you.

You walked out the door and followed Yoongi into the elevator. As he pushed the button of the right floor, you used the time to study the baby's face. She already had a head full of black hair and long femine lashes. She was currently asleep, but you remembered that her eyes were a deep brown. You smiled at her.

" You look like you're in love with her." Yoongi said suddenly, causing you out of your trance to face him.

" Maybe I am, I mean how can you not? Look at her." You said as you turned your body so Yoongi could have a better look on her.

The lift dinged, signaling that you had arrived at the third floor.

" She's just your everyday baby Y/N. Can't get more ordinary." Yoongi said as he walked out.

You followed after him.

" Guys." You rolled your eyes, if only you were with Seokjin. You were sure that he would've been a better partner than this guy.

The Baby Project: The Asshole || M.YG ✔Where stories live. Discover now