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" Alright, so I didn't think this trough good enough. But your bed is big enough for two people. I'm thinking that Yoongi can sleep on an inflatable matress, I don't really care where. Just not the bathroom, please. You two can figure it out from here right? If not, please don't wake me, wake my wife instead. Good night kids." Yoongi blinked as your dad stepped into his bedroom, ruffling your hair and yawning on the way in.

Meanwhile you were trying not to laugh at what was happening, the look on Yoongi's face was priceless.

" Is your dad always like this?" Yoongi asked once he closed his fish gaping mouth.

" Yep, he is." Your sister pursed her lips as she walked by to her own room.

Yoongi once again blinked in response.


" So we can't be a cuddle puddle?" Jaehyuk pouted as you and Yoongi were pumping up the inflatable matress.

" Not today buddy." Yoongi ruffled his head.

" Why not?" Jaehyuk asked, holding his Mickey by his left ear.

" Mum's parents don't want us to. And you're supposed to respect elders so we'll listen to them." Yoongi shrugged.

Jaehyuk either ignored the answer or accepted it, and the inflatable bed was now up too.

" Can I sleep here too? This bed feels funny." Jaehyuk asked jumping on the inflatable bed.

Yoongi laughed.

" Sure."

It didn't take long before both you and Jaehyuk dozed off. You enjoying the amount of room you have in your bed while Jaehyuk is cuddled up by Yoongi. Yoongi ran his  hand teough Jsehyuk's hair as he looked at him, his eyes softening as he  he looked at him before looking at you. He smiled in the dark of the night before the smile slowly faded.

I hope mum will be just as accepting as Y/N's mum is. Yoongi tough before eventually dozing off to sleep.


" Dada wake up! We're going out for breakfast!" Jaehyuk yells woke Yoongi up, enthusiastically jumping on the older.

" Yah Hyuk, calm down.-"

" Morning sleeping beauty, I was wondering on how to wake you up." You greeted him from the door openingopening with a fond smile.

He hummed in response.

" What would you have done if I didn't wake up?" Yoongi smirked while sitting upright, secretly hoping for the answer ' I'd kiss you'.

" What do you think I have a glass of water in my hand for?" You winked back at him, before mockingly taking a sip out of it.

" Now hurry up, we're going to Ikea. C'mon Hyuk, let's get you dressed." You opened the blinds, yet Yoongi couldn't find it in himself to complain.

Yoongi smirked to himself and shook his head before he got out of bed. Once again, you had left  him speechless.


" Wait where's Hyuk?" You asked as your whole family stopped walking.

" Yoongi, where's Hyuk?!" You panicked as you called your boyfriend, who was a few steps in front of you and your sister.

He looked confused for a moment before his eyes widen in realization.

" Please don't tell me we lost him." Yoongi brought out.

" Don't worry, we'll find him. We lost Anushka when she was his age here too. Like you can see, she's all good." Your dad tried to ease your worries, keyword is tried.

" That's not helping, dad." Your sister snapped at him for you.

" Hey, don't worry baby, we'll find your baby. Let's split up." Your mother suggested.

" Alright. You guys go back while we go forward?" Yoongi suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

" You know, I think you might even become a better dad than I am already, son. That doesn't mean that I won't break your ass if you hurt her tough-"

" Dad, stop threatening Y/N's boyfriend and let's hurry up already." Anushka scolded her father, who held his hands up in surrender before leaving to join his wife and daughter to walk the way back.

" Let's go love, if we're lucky he's still close." Yoongi rubbed your arm in a comforting manner before holding your hand and leading the way.


" Mummy, can I have this?" Jaehyuk turned around to ask you, before realizing that you weren't there.

" Mummy?" He asked, frantically looking around.

" Dada?" He tried again.

They didn't go here to leave me here right? Jaehyuk tough.

Before he knew it he started crying, holding the stuffed camel plusie he wanted to show you close to him before running around and trying to find you.

It didn't take too long before an employee spotted him, realizing that something was wrong as he walked past with a tear streaked face.

" Hey, kid wait up!" The seventeen year old woman yelled, starting to chase after him.


'Will Yoongi and Y/N please report to the service desk. Thank you.'

You and Yoongi's eyes widen as you heard the message trough the loud speakers all over the building. The both of you didn't say anything, running straight to the service desk as asked.

" Hello, I believe our son is here?" Yoongi asked as the both of you made it there.

" Yoongi and Y/N, I suppose?" The worker, probably around sixteen, asked suspiciously, as if Yoongi was lying.

" Yes, that's us. Is he okay?" You asked, a panic in your eyes which Yoongi could only describe as motherly.

The worker raised an eyebrow at you before turning around, a 'one minute please' rolling off his tounge.

A moment later he emerged with your little boy, who was still crying and clinging onto the camel plushie.

" Hyuk! Don't ever scare us like that again." You bent down with a small sniff as the boy ran into your open arms.

The worker rolled his eyes.

" I didn't mean to mummy! I'm sorry! I just say this and wanted to show you!" Jaehyuk sniffed showing the camel to you before showing Yoongi.

" Oh, right. Speaking about that plushie, you either have to tell him off or you'll have to pay for that." The worker huffed uninterested.

Yoongi's jaw ticked.

" Can I pay by card?" Yoongi huffed, obviously annoyed.

The worker shrugged and the card machinr thingy let out a beep, signaling that Yoongi could pay.

" You know, if you can't take care of a kid, you shouldn't have taken one. You're both obviously too young for it." The worker said  while Yoongi slammed his creditcard on the machine.

You could see a coworker of him look at him with an open mouth.

" Okay, listen up you disgusting uncultured swi-"

" Mr,  ma'am, I am so sorry about my coworker's behavior. Could I offer each of you an ice cream as a sorry?" The same coworker showed up, apologizing over and over again for the boy's behavior.

" We have three other family members in here, get them ice cream too and I'll keep my bad review to myself." Yoongi huffed.

[ A/N: First of all, I'd like to say that the reader was calling the 16 y/o fella an uncultured, disgraceful, ugly,- jk also I'm working more these days so don't expect too many updates.]

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