Bonus Chapter #3

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[ A/N:Heheh, hey.
Hyuk's like 17 in this one.]

Y/N looked around the livingroom one more time, as Yoongi rolled his eyes at you.

" Love, the house is as clean as we could've made it. Sit down for a bit and relax." Yoongi tells his wife.

" Are you sure? Maybe we should cook them some snacks or something? Like some baras or something else-"

You were cut off gently, as Yoongi stood up from the sofa and took your hand, leading you to where he sat previously.

" We're not a hotel Love, besides, they're coming over for dinner. And dinner is already ready to be served. And the table is laid. And the whole house is clean, so it's Yoongi time now." Yoongi said softly as he pushed you down on the sofa.

After a few moments, the both of you were comfortable. Bodies tangled in one another, and a blanket thrown over the two of you cozily.

" He's growing up so fast." You mumbled in his embrace, words muffled by the skin of his neck.

He hummed, running his fingers through your hair in the way he knows you like.

" Funny, huh? Just a while ago he was just three years old, and wearing his swimwear backwards front." He smiled at the memory.

You chuckled.

" Ah, I remember. The moment we returned from the beach with school he was knocked out. Now that was a relaxed night." You smiled contently.

It's comfortably quiet for a moment before you break it again.

" Remember Seokjin?" You ask him.

He hummed, remembering the adult who had a crush on his wife in his teens.

" Did you know that I used to like him? for like a long while." You throw out randomly.

He leans back to look at you, charming underchin on full display and surprise readable in his eyes.

" Really? I always though that it was only the other way around."

You shook your head.

" At some point yes, but in the beginning it was really the other way around." You told him honestly.

He hummed and kissed your head, having gotten over his jealousy phase years ago.

" Until you got charmed by my looks and my sweetness?" He teased, lying back down.

You snorted.

" Of course, your underchin and loud speaker were very charming indeed-"


Before he can properly reply, the sound of the front door opening reached your ears, and you nudged Yoongi to get up.

" Five more minutes." He mumbled lazily with a smile.

" Min Yoongi, if you do not get up now, you might sleep on the couch to-"

" I get it Min Y/N, I'm ready to get up."

And so the two of you stood up, right as Jaehyuk entered the room, holding hands with a girl his age.

You smiled and tried to keep down your excitement, smoothing down your clothes, (a sweater of Yoongi and random leggings), before making your way over, holding your hand out to her.

" Hello. My names Y/N, but you may call me mrs Min, how are you?" You smiled gently at her, as Yoongi came up behind you, his hair a mess and all.

She smiled back at you, and shook your hand.

Now that she smiled she looked vaguely familiar, but you couldn't pinpoint it.

" Hello, I'm Lee Naeun." She said softly.

At her name your eyes widen, as does Yoongi's as you make eye contact with him.

" Hi, I'm Yoongi. But mr Min will do." Yoongi said gruffly, with a tiny smile.

" Is something wrong?" Jaehyuk asked, seeing the surprise on your faces.

Naeun shifted uncomfortably.

You smiled and shook your head.

" Let's get to dinner." Yoongi said, setting to the table you with following.

Jaehyuk pulled out a seat for Naeun, letting her sit down first before sitting down beside her. A gesture Yoongi does for you whenever you're going to a restaurant.

While you and Yoongi are serving the food, Jaehyuk talks to Naeun, you smile as you hear the words ' you know, my dad doesn't smile at everyone in a first meeting.' Which is very true.

At some point conversation goes smoothly, Jaehyuk doing most of the talking as he often does, Naeun nodding allong to his every word, and Yoongi simply smiling.

" Ma, you should tell her about you' and dad's love story!" Jaehyuk exclaims with a smile, stuffing food in his mouth.

Of course he'd want to hear that specific story.

You smile before beginning to tell her about how you and Yoongi went from people who basically hated each other to lovers.

Yoongi cut you off as you came to the part of Naeun herself.

" You're the Naeun of the story, aren't you?" Yoongi asks her with a tiny smile.

Naeun nodded shyly.

" I think so, I was indeed part of one of those projects too. Though I can't remember it, as I was a baby." She smiled.

" You grew up beautifully." You smiled at her, as she smiled in return.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly, with you telling most of your love story, making sure to explain all of Jaehyuk's embarrassing moments thoroughly.

By the end of the night, Jaehyuk walked her home himself.

" Thank god that we ended up not adopting both." Yoongi exclaimed as soon as the door closed, working away on the dishes while you're cleaning up the table.

You chuckled.

" Indeed. It's nice to see them like this." You smiled at him, as he nodded.

Yoongi bit his lip suddenly, certain though entering his mind.

" We should get Hyuk' condoms for his next birthday or valentines." Yoongi smirked, turning to look at you.

" Yoongi!" You scolded him.

" We should do that though." You smiled back at him.

Edit: I forgot that Naeun's like 4 years younger originally but let's just pretend she's magically 16/17 oop.
[A/N: follow my crappy fanacc on Insta, @/stephenseyebrowsonfleek lol. ]

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