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* Dress up top is the one I had in mind :)

You put in your earrings before staring at your reflection. Remember when you told yourself you looked like a shiny potato in the dress? Now, with your mother's jewelry which you had picked up allong the way earlier, and the dress, you looked like a potato twister with paprika seasoning, you were hot.

You winked at your reflection before stepping into your dress and putting it on. Your arms were quite flexible, so you didn't need any help in getting it on.

" Hey." You cheekily greeted your boyfriend as you stepped out of the bathroom attached to his room.

He turned around to greet you, looking up for a moment from buttoning his shirt to greet you, but taking a double take when he realized just how fine you looked.

" Damn, you look beautiful love." Yoongi smiled as he licked his lips.

" You look quite handsome yourself." You smiled back at him, helping him button up his last few buttons, leaving the last one open.

Yoongi was wearing an all black suit with a navy blue blouse which he had randomly found in his closet earlier allong with a black vest for underneath the black blazer.

" Thanks. By the way, there's something I need to warn you about for the party." Yoongi said, his smile slowly falling from his lips.

" What is it?" You asked.

" There's going to be press outside of the building. I'm going to need you to not leave my side while we're out and to not let the press get to you, okay?"


" Mr Min, is this your girlfriend?-"

" Wow, mr Min, you got a good catch.-"

" This is really the best you managed to find, mr Min?"

" Ceo Min, is this your son's first official lover?"

Yoongi glared at all the press, disliking how they were trying to bring you down. Yet he stood tall and held you close to him as you were walking on the red carpet into the hotel where party was held at. You looked absolutely beautiful tonight, and he just hoped that he looked worthy in beauty standards for standing by your side.

The two of you stopped to pose for a moment, and Yoongi felt proud at how you were handeling the situation. You didn't give a damn about them, and the only attention the press has recieved was you running your eyes over all of them coldly, as if you owned them. Yoongi was pretty sure you did.

Unknowing to him, Jimin was only a few steps behind the two of you. Him and his 'girlfriend of the week' were having a tough time. His girlfriend, Sega, was trying to deny being Jimin's plaything, yet Jimin was ignoring both her and the press, once in a while sneaking a curious look at you. Who were you and why did you seem to own everyone around you with that sharp gaze of yours?


Yoongi's father didn't know what to do. He didn't like his son's girlfriend, yet you seemed more suitable for his boy than the girl he had planned to introduce Yoongi to in this party. The girl who was supposed to marry him had been a few steps in front of Yoongi's father, who had tried not to cringe at how she was behaving. That girl might've been from one of his business partners, but she was certainly a shame for the family. She had not been handeling the press well, and she was practically raised to. Yoongi's father wouldn't admit it, not even to himself, but he was proud of his son for choosing someone who handled everything this effortlessly.

" Would you like a drink miss?" A random waiter with champagbe stopped by you and Yoongi's table.

" No thank you." You smiled gently at him.

The waiter nodded in respect and turned to Yoongi, who did take him up on his offer.

" Yoongi hyung, Y/N! nice to see you two again." Jimin smiled as he joined you and Yoongi's table. ( Yoongi's father was already out of Yoongi's eyesight as you two had entered, and Yoongi decided that his father will go look for the two of you himself if he decided to be seen with you.)

" Park." You nodded at him, Yoongi raising his glass as greeting.

" You know you don't have to keep calling me by my last name right? " Jimin pouted as he looked at you.

" Where's your girl of the week?" Yoongi asked casually as he gulped down the first sip of his drink.

Jimin shrugged.

" Went to redo her make up I think."

" Poor girl." You mumbled, not realizing you said that out loud.

" Hey! She's blessed by dating me." Jimin scoffed offended.

You raised a brow at him.

" Can I take a sip?" You asked your boyfriend, who grinned and handed you his glass.

Jimin huffed.

" Damn this stuff is strong." You scrunched your face up in disgust as the burning liquid flowed down your throat, Yoongi smiling fondly as he took his glass from you.

" Hey Jiminie! Who are you?" Sega joined you, Jimin and Yoongi at your table, throwing you a disgusting look.

" Baby~ Relax, this is his girlfriend." Jimin purred to her.

" Ew. You could've done a little more about your appearance you know." Sega looked at you with a disgusted look.

Well, that certainly hurt your feelings, you really felt pretty for tonight.

Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it.

" Thank you for sharing your unasked opinion, but I'd rather hear it from someone who actually looks pretty." You smiled fakely at her.

Yoongi smirked in satisfaction before turning to glare coldly at the girl.

" She's right, you know? Also, don't talk trash about my woman, girl. She's more beautiful than you'll ever be." Yoongi said sharply.

Sega turned to look at Jimin for help.

" Sorry, but hyung's right." Jimin smiled a little too sweetly.

The girl glared at Jimin before storming off, throwing an 'you're an ass Jimin' behind her back.

" She'll get over it." Jimin sighed.

You blinked at him.

At least the girl was right about one thing, the male in front of you was certainly an ass indeed.

" Care to join me for a dance?" Yoongi asked, suprising you.

As far as you were concerned, Yoongi did not dance.

" Hyung's going to dance-"

" Shut it Park." Yoongi cut Jimin off with a glare.

" I'd love that." You smiled and took his hand.


Yoongi's father was watching you two gently swining to the soft music from afar, having made a decision. He's been a bad dad for long enough now.

[ A/N: I'd like to tell y'all that both Yoongi & the Teader are over whatever age (depends on country) to drink legally. Else this story would've been real crazy. ( Honestly fellas whi trusts 16 year olds in one apartment room with a child?)]

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