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It's been a few days since Jaehyuk has arrived and he hasn't really been anything like what your teacher told you, tough he was a little disrespectful at times. (Yoongi explained to you that that's normal for adoptable kids because they don't get as much attention as kids who grow up with their parents.)

The only thing you found a problem was that he had little to no clothing, which was why you, Yoongi, Areum and Taehyung would go on a shopping spree with both kids today, because apparently their kid had only a little amount of clothing too. You also asked Seokjin and Mina if they wanted to come too, but they weren't up fro it as they 'didn't have the money' for it, which was weird because you still got around 400,- a month, which easily covered most of their stuff they need, meaning you had money over to buy them stuff.

" Morning, what are you cooking?" Yoongi asked as you were making waffles, wrapping an arm around your waist loosely and leaning a little into you.

Ever since he opened up to you, he became more touchy. You didn't mind it, quite the opposite actually, you loved it.

" Waffles, apparently Jaehyuk has never eaten those before so I tough I'd make all of us some while I'm at it." You said as you took them out of the waffle machine.

" They smell nice." He nodded before going to set the table.

" Thanks." You smiled as you started on new ones.

" What's that smell?" You heard the padding of little feet.

" I'm making waffles." You said as Jaehyuk now stood beside you, trying to see how you make them.

" Oh, really?! What do they look like? I've never seen them outside of a picture!" He jumped in excitement.

Yoongi, wo was listening to the conversation, moved to pick Jaehyuk up, holding him the way you taught him to.

You smiled at the sight.

" Ooh, they look nice. Can I have one?" Jaehyuk asked.

" Of course. Go sit down and Yoongi will bring you one." You told him as Yoongi set him down.

" Aren't you going to eat?" Jaehyuk asked Yoongi had brought him his food, noticing that you and Yoongi weren't sitting down yet.

" No, Y/N is going to finish making the last few and I'll wait till' she's done." Yoongi said as he ruffled your hair while mentioning you.

" Yah! Don't do that!" You huffed as you smacked Yoongi's hand away, hearing Jaehyuk giggle at the scene in front of him.

" I'll wait for you too if hyung is also waiting! Family eats together right?" Jaehyuk asked as he hopped off his stool.

Yoongi and you blinked at each other before smiling.

" Yes we do."


" Are we gonna do anything today?" Jaehyuk asked as you were all almost done with breakfast.

You nodded while Yoongi shook his head.

" Yes, we're going on a shopping trip with a few friends of ours." You said, pointedly starting at Yoongi.

" We are?" Yoongi asked confused.

" Did you forget?" You facepalmed.

" No, of course not." He lied as he moved to pick up everyone's plates.

You facepalmed.

Of course he'd forget.


" Oh my, you're so cutee!" Areum gushed as she looked at Jaehyuk.

" Awee, she's too!" You gushed over Hyeon, her child.

" So where off first?" Yoongi asked, just wanting to get out of the mall.

" How about the Gucci store? " Taehyung suggests, a bright smile on his face.

" Tae, that's a nice idea, but I'd like to remind you that we are broke college students." Areum stated.

" Oh right." Taehyung's smile fell.

" How about we go to the Primark?" You suggested.

You all ended up agreeing to that idea.

The rest of the afternoon went smooth, Hyeon and Jaehyuk ended up becoming good friends, playing around in the stores between picking out clothes. When it was time to eat, you all had different ideas.

" But the noodle bar around the corner?" You pouted as everyone said no.

" If you want ramyeon that badly, I can make you some later tonight or tomorrow, we don't need to go to the noodle bar for that." Yoongi huffed, obviously not in the mood for that.

The little argument went on for a little longer, until you felt Jaehyuk tug at your cardigan.

" Can we go to the MacDonald's noona?" He asked, big eyes twinkling.

" Yes! Can we go to MacDonald's? I've only went there once before but it was so tasty there! Can we go there please?" Hyeon asked, tugging at Taehyung's jacket.

You, Areum, Taehyung and Yoongi switched looks.

" Have you ever been there before?" Yoongi asked Jaehyuk as he picked him up.

Jaehyuk shook his head.

" No, but I've heard from miss Kim that it's very nice there. She said we never went there because we're bad kids. But we've been good today right?" He asked, a glint of hope in his eyes.

You nodded.

" Of course you've been good. Both of you. What do you think Areum noona, shall we eat at Mackey D's today?" You smiled at her as she put a finger on her chin as if she was thinking.

" Hmmm, I think that they've been good today. Let's go." She smiled.

Jaehyuk and Hyeon cheered, and Yoongi let Jaehyuk down so he could run hand in hand with Hyeon, sprinting off towards the Mackey D's sign.

" Don't run too far out of our sight Hyuk! You too Hyeon!" You called after the two kids.

" Yes mu- noona!" Hyuk replied, slowing their pass.

" Don't worry mum, they won't dissapear out of our sight that easily. Besides, I told you that'd we'd be good parents right?" Yoongi winked at you, grabbing your hand.


" He almost called you mum." Yoongi said later in the night once Jaehyuk was fast asleep on your lap.

The little boy wanted to watch Night at The Museum, but fell asleep halfway trough.

" I know, is that a good thing?" You asked, momentarily stopping your hand's movements in Hyuk's hair.

" Yes, and no. It's good because it means that you give him the love he deserves, but it also means that he's getting attached to you, which can be a little difficult in our situation." Yoongi said, softly smiling at Hyuk.

" Don't worry, we'll figure that out later...... By the way, Hyuk said something about being told that he was a bad kid, don't you think that something weird is going on there?" You asked.

Yoongi frowned.

" What makes you think that?" He asked you.

" I don't know, aren't the kids supposed to be at least a little loved there?" You asked.

Yoongi shook his head and shrugged.

" It happens more than you think in adoption houses. The one I'm from was build like that too." Yoongi said, a sad expression in his eyes as he glanced at Hyuk again, who was subconsciously looking for the comfort of your hand.

You nodded, absent mindedly playing with Hyuk's hair again.

" Hey, don't worry. At least we manage to give him the feeling for two months like he's got an actual family." Yoongi told you.

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