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" Alright, I'm all set and so is Jaehyuk. At what time would your sister arrive?" Yoongi asked as you were both packing up.

" She was supposed to arrive at twelve, but this is my family we're talking about, so she'll probably arrive at two." You shrugged as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

Yoongi blinked at the clock, the object displaying 13:43.

" You're not serious are you?" He asked.

You looked at him with a poker face before mentioning to the clock.

" Does the time look like a joke to you?" You huffed.

He shrugged.

" I just tough that your whole family was as punctual as you." He muttered.

You snorted.

" I'm the only one in my family who's punctual." You laughed.

" Shall we eat before we leave?" Yoongi asked you.

" We're going to a half Surinamese household Yoongi, my mother has probably already cooked something up for all of us." You shook your head with a smile.

" Half Surinamese?" He asked.

You hummed.

" Half Surinamese and half (Y/O/C) (( your own country) and proud." You smiled at him.

Yoongi nodded in response.

" Wait! Can I take Mickey with me?" Jaehyuk asked as he ran into the room, carrying the Mickey Mouse plushie with him.

It was the only thing left by his biological parents for him.

" Of course you can sweetie." You ruffled his hair with a smile as the doorbel rung, signalling that your sister was waiting downstairs.

Yoongi answered the doorbell, telling her that you'd come downstairs.

" Is your family nice?" Jaehyuk asked as you went in the elevator downstairs.

You nodded.

" Yes, they are. I'm sure they'll love the both of you."

The both of you. Yoongi smiled softly behind your back, you really knew him well.

" Hello stinking marshmallow, I ha-OH MY GODD WHAT'S HIS NAMEE!?" Your sister startled all of you as you neared her Opel Astra, her eyes set on Jaehyuk.

" Anushka, these are Jaehyuk and Yoongi. Yoongi, Jaehyuk, this is my sister Anushka." You said as you introduced them all to each other.

" Hello miss." Yoongi gulped, a little v̶e̶r̶y̶ nervous.

" Oh, so you're the guy who's dating my pain in the ass sister, like you've heard already, my name is Anushka. Nice to meet you. I saw you carry all the suitcases downstairs, so you're probably a gentleman. That means I'll spare myself of threatening you. Also, please don't call me miss, we're basically family considering you're in a relationship with my sister." Your sister smiled as Yoongi felt himself loosen up.

" Hey! I'm not a rascal-"

" Well hop in all of you, let's go home." She said, ignoring you.


" Ma, we've arrived home!" Your sister screamed as you all took your shoes off in the hallway.

The trip to your house was a quick ten minute drive, and time was mainly passed with you and your sister catching up.

The door leading to the livingroom opened soon after, your mother stepping trough it.

" My babie!" She yelled as she gave you a bear hug.

Yoongi studied your mother for a moment. Unlike his mother, your mother did not have a stick figure. She was a plump warm  brown woman with long curly black hair , and she looked happier than his own mother had ever looked. Sure, she loved him, but she was rather cold, even to him.

Your house wasn't big, he realized. You lived in an ordinary terraced house. It wasn't big and kill like what he's used to. Instead the air feels nice and warm, homely, he thinks.

" My my, it's been so long! Oh! You must be Y/N's boyfriend, yes? She talks a lot about you. My, you're skinny. Do you work out a lot? You know what, you're getting a little bit of extra nasi today. Oh and you must be Jaehyuk, Y/N mentioned that you would come." Your mother greetes both boys after she let you go from her bear hug.

" Oh, does she now?" Yoongi smirked your way.

You face palmed, you hoped your mother now won't-

" Oh, yes. Almost all the time. Also, call me aunt before you're gonna start calling me miss or something, that'll make stuff a little awkward and it'll make me feel old. Now, drop your bags upstairs! It's time for food!"

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