Bonus Chapter #2

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[ A/N: Hyuks' 12 in this one =).]

You and Yoongi exchanged looks at the story the principal had just told you, your son is sitting beside you, allong with a classmate of his who he apparently punched and this kid's parents.

" Well, he must have a good reason to have punched the other kid." Yoongi shrugged, leaning back.

Tough the sentence sounds joking, his tone and his subtle glare to his own kid were telling a whole different story. And you and Jaehyuk were well aware of it.

Meanwhile the other kid's parents mouth almost fell open, thinking Yoongi didn't take the matter serious.

" Are you saying that it's okay to just punch other kids?!" Joosung's mother yelled, obviously very mad.

You tried to keep yourself from rolling your eyes.

" No ma'am, my husband merely wants to know the story behind what happened-"

" It's simple. He punched me for no reason!-" The teenager cut you off rudely.

" I did have a reason! And I'd do it again, so you better watch ou-" Jaehyuk cut Joosung off, his body somewhat taking a protective stance.

" Jaehyuk, stop it. You too kid. Let's take turns in telling us all what happened. You go first Joosung." Yoongi said.

Joosung smirked at Jaehyuk, who scoffed in response.

" I didn't do anything. I was just joking around with my friends and his when I gave him a friendly shoulder bump and he punched me!" Joosung explained dramatically.

And I tough Yoongi's excuses were dumb whenever I catch him drinking my favorite wine were dumb. You tought.

" Jaehyuk, care to explain?" You asked him, barely blinking an eye at the other kid's explanation.

" Well, I was actually minding my own business with Hunter and Duri, when Joosung came and once again started bothering me. This time, he was telling me about how my parents apparently didn't like me because I'm not bLoOd rElAtEd like he is, and in return I told him that I feel sorry for his parents because they obviously didn't choose him, and then he started saying bad things about my mom so I punched him." Jaehyuk shrugged.

Joosung's parents seemed to ignore what their son did, and instead turned to you and your husband.

" Is this how you raised your child?!" Joosung's mother raised her voice at you and Yoongi.

" N-"

" Yes." Yoongi cut you off immediately, taking a soft hold on your hand to show that he'll handle it.

Gender roles never really took place in your relationship, and therefore it was usually you who handled stuff, and even tough you don't mind it, little moment where he takes matters into his own hands always gives you a warm feeling.

" Yes. We have raised him to take offence when someone insults his family." Yoongi states, holding eye contact with the other kid's mother.

In return, her husband places a protective hand on her lap, which gets roughly slapped off by her.

She goes on to complain about your son again  when you understand the situation a little better.

Jaehyuk's story is true, Joosung was most probably jealous of the fact that you and Yoongi chose for your son, and the closeness you have with Jaehyuk, which is probably why he insulted you. Joosung probably did this to subconsciously to get his parents attention. You turn to glance at Yoongi to see if he gets it too, and he seems to get part of it, tough not as much as you do.

The rest of the conversation runs less than smooth, and in the end both teens are to clean the basketball court for the next month.

" I'm proud of you, you handled the situation well." Yoongi randomly says as you're all in the car on the way back to your house.

" Yoongi." You softly slap his arm, not taking your eyes off the road.

Jaehyuk's laughing in the back, amused by the two of you.

" I do agree with you tough, I too am proud of you sweetie."

[ A/N : Hah, bet u didn't see this coming. Also, I only now noticed that y'all are dropping the date & time in the comments on Wattpad in the epilogue and like the hell?¿ y'all tryna get me emotional or sum¿ cus it's working u simps.]

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