Chapter 1

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It was seven AM in the morning. The family had a cuckoo clock that was a perfect replica of the Addams Family House and that started to chime the hour.

In one window of the clock , a little mechanical Yeonjun bent a mechanical Soobin back until he was almost off his feet and planted a kiss on his lips. One, two, three mechanical kisses, counting toward seven o'clock.

In another window, a mechanical Huening Kai hung a mechanical Taehyun from a noose on a gallows, up and down. Meanwhile, little bursts of fog floated off the rooftop where a little mechanical grandpa Jin cranked his fog machine.

The front door of the house popped open, and a mechanical Yoongi appeared and began sweeping. Just then, Thing, the disembodied hand with a full-bodied personality, climbed the clock and jumped to the floor, scampering down the hall.

He ran past a couple of doors, past a pair of legs in pajamas, feet in bedroom slippers.  He skidded to a halt and back tracked to the legs, pulling on the pajama bottom's cuff. They belonged to Yeonjun, who stood in the doorway to Taehyung's room.

Yeonjun wore a fez and a smoking jacket over his pajamas, and even at that early hour, he puffed on his trademark cigar. Yeonjun was all enthusiasm or all despair, and at the moment, he radiated unfathomable woe.

"Think of it, Thing" Yeonjun said "He's been gone for twenty-five years...For twenty-five years we've attempted to contact Taehyung in the great beyond..."

The room was a dusty, cobweb-filled, long-unoccupied shrine to Yeonjun's lost brother, Taehyung. The room had remained untouched since Taehyung's disappearance as a teenager.  The thick coating of dust and cobwebs adorned the mementoes of rapscallion's youth: 

-a football pennant from Alcatraz
-headless sports trophies
-a high school photo with all the other students keeping as much distance from Taehyung as possible.

"And for twenty-five years, nothing.  Not a whisper, not a clue....I'm beginning to think my brother truly is lost" Yeonjun sighed. 

Thing tugged at his cuff, pulling him towards his bedroom. Yeonjun then went inside, walking to the bed, and sleeping on scarlet satin sheets was...Soobin.

"Look at him..." Yeonjun said gazing at Soobin "I would die for him, I would kill for him.  Either way what bliss"

Low-voiced, incisive, and subtle, with Soobin, smiles were rare. The ghostly whiteness of his complexion was offset by the red of the pillowcase upon which his hair was spread like a diabolic halo.  A dark Garbo, sultry and remote, he was a ruined beauty.

As Soobin opened his eyes, Yeonjun grinned looking at him adoringly.

"Unhappy, darling?" He asked.

"Oh yes, yes. Completely" Soobin replied passionately .

At the same time, Huening Kai crouched on the floor of his own room, playing with his kid-sized chemistry set. The walls of his room were covered with road signs he'd

-"Bridge Out!"
-"Excavation Ahead!"
-"Dangerous Undertow!"
-"Keep Clear!  High Voltage!"

In a corner stood a cylindrical floor-to-ceiling fish tank, filled with piranhas. This energetic monster of a boy had every chance of growing up to be the public monster his
parents would be proud of.

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