Chapter 10

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Taehyung was lying in bed, the covers around his chin, while Mr Yang sat on the bed beside him, tucking him in.

"I know why you've been so glum, it's because it's taking us a little longer than we'd hoped to find the gold. Isn't that right?" Mr Yang asked

But Taehyung just turned away, depressed.

"Of course it is. Well, don't you worry, we're right on the verge. Tomorrow, for certain, my darling" He said while kissing his forehead and going to the door "You know, some people might think it's strange, for a father and son to be so close. I think it's beautiful. Don't you, Minho?" He asked him, but Taehyung just mumbled something under his breath, so he just sighed annoyed and left.

The minute the door shut, Taehyung got out of bed fully clothed, went to the window and began to climb out.

Meanwhile, Soobin, just outside Gate, struggled to get it open, Thing clutching the bars, also attempting to block his way.

"Stop it, you two" Soobin said, breaking free of Thing.

A little later, Taemin opened the front door and smiled maliciously at the sight of Soobin on the stoop.

"I would like to speak with Taehyung" He said, Taemin stepping aside.

"We've been expecting you..." He said while Soobin crossed the threshold.

At the foot of the Addams hill, Thing did his damnedest to flag down any of the few oncoming cars, waved to no avail, danced around in frustration, and then tried hitchhiking, sticking his thumb out.

A passing car splashed him with mud, and screwing up his courage, in a kamikaze leap, grabbed ahold of the bumper of the next car that came along and hung on for dear life as the car speeded down the street.

In the study, Soobin was stretched out on the torture rack, Taehyung and Taemin securing his hands and feet, under Mr Yang's supervision.

"You are a desperate man, consumed by greed and infinite bitterness...We could have been such friends" Soobin said graciously to him

!I don't think so. The vault, Mr. Addams, any thoughts?" Mr Yang asked

"Despite everything, I don't hate you, I pity you. Persecution, fiendish torture, inhuman depravity, sometimes it's just not enough" Soobin said sweetly

"Taemin, let's get started" He said, the man tightening the rack.

Soobin's bones made a horrible popping, stretching sound, making him moan rather sensually.

"Again!" Mr Yang demanded, Taemin tightening the rack again so more bone popping noises were heard, along with more of Soobin's moans.

"You've done this before" Taemin said while glancing at Taemin aglow, the man pretty confused

In the bungalow, Thing leapt dramatically onto the porch, then stopped dead to knock on the cabin door and rush in, frantically signing to Yeonjun.

"Slow down, Thing! It's terrible when you stutter!" Yeonjun told him and, frustrated, Thing grabbed a spoon and began tapping out morse code.

"Soobin in danger... stop! Send help at once ... stop!" He said as Thing flopped down in exhausted triumph, Yeonjun grabbing him and heading off.

In the study, Soobin was now lashed to an enormous torture wheel, Taemin and Mr Yang tending the stick branding irons stuck in the roaring fire.

"You can't! Not with red-hot pokers! Soobin please!" Taehyung exclaimed

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