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(a/n: dedicated to spoiledlittlebrat for the comments reminding me of the goal! :) thanks sis <3 hope you continue enjoying!)


I WAS REELING from the fact that Josh had let me walk. Walk away from a fight which he had won, when he could have easily unmasked me and discovered my real identity — as his research assistant, Leona Osman. If that had happened, I would've been toast by now. 

Instead, I found myself returning home in a painstakingly slow pace. My eyes were struggling to distinguish circles from squares, as Josh had blasted my vision to smithereens. 

Heroes. What good are they?

No good, apparently. 

I'd mulled the past hours over and over in my mind, even after returning to Sylvester House. I'd stumbled up the steps, hands trembling across the walls to find my way inside. When I'd practically collapsed through the doors, Zazu had appeared and supported me. She weaved arms beneath my shoulders, heaving me from my half-slouch by the doorway. 

"You're OK. You're OK." Zazu mumbled the words over and over, as if reassuring her own turbulent mind. I smiled softly, reaching with a hand to pat her arm. 

"I'm right here, Zuri. I'm not going anywhere." 

Upon hearing the commotion by the doorway, all three kids appeared at the top of the staircase. I kept my smile plastered on my face, hoping it came across as a grin rather than a wince. 

"Leo!" Lila skipped down the stairs, while her brother, Dexter, yawned in the background. It was early, way too early, for them to be up. 

Besides, you don't want them to see you like this. 

Pressing my nails into my palms, I forced myself to shove the pain aside and focus on greeting the kids. Lila had already slammed herself into my ribs — which made me feel as if my lungs had shape-shifted into blobs — while Dexter slowly realized what was happening. Cole remained a shadow who'd stopped in the middle of the stairs, eyes wide.

"I'm fine, guys!" I lifted a hand, waved, then suppressed a violent curse because I was a nice guy. Zuri said nothing, and huffed instead as she lifted me higher. 

"You don't look fine," said Lila. She eyed me warily, "You look hurt." 

"You should rest if you're hurt. You said that." Cole voiced the careful words from the dark of the staircase. I directed a weak smile his way, blinking to clear my vision. It was still blurry, tears rising to my eyes as they attempted focusing. 

"I will rest. Zazu's going to help me, right?" Zuri grumbled something in return, half-dragging me across the hardwood floors in the direction of her room. 

It took a dozen more minutes for us to calm the kids, with me doing the heavy work in brushing off concerns and directing them back to bed. At last, they trailed back up the stairs. Sylvester House was once more quiet, sheathed in partial darkness. Zuri did her best to keep me upright, but our transport to her room was more her cleaning the floors with my uncooperative body while I hissed as pain ricocheted off of my bones. 

When we finally reached her room, we found ourselves in very much the same position as several nights ago. She fetched the first-aid kit, while I seated myself on a small chair adjacent to her screens. They were flickering, signals and commands showing up that demanded her attention. Zazu barely flicked her eyes over them, instead rummaging through her box. 

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