twenty four

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twenty four

JOSH AND I were supposed to part ways, but instead I — in a move that surprised us both — asked whether he wanted to go over the next step back at Sylvester House. To both our surprise once more, Josh agreed. It was with sullen faces that we entered the wrought iron gates together, trudging along the beaten path leading to the entrance of Sylvester. 

"Far away from your fancy crib now, aren't you?" 

Josh side-eyed me, frowning.

"I'd never look down — " 

"Yeah, yeah." I knew what came next, "I know, I know."

I fumbled with the hidden zip-pocket of my suit, producing a key. I'd shrugged on a heavy black coat for our transport back home, as I didn't really want every damn citizen in San Helios to see who the mask-wearing idiot known as Nymph really was. Besides, seeing a superhero engaged in battle was bad-ass, while seeing them get home after a failed mission kind of sucked. Majorly. 

Once inside, I gestured vaguely at the kitchen. 

"Take a seat, grab a glass of water — I'll get Zazu." 

"Which cupboard?"

"The green one!" I called, walking away. 

"They're all green, you —" Josh swore. I smiled, exiting.

I moved through the house, toward Zazu's room. The door was shut firmly, and so I knocked softly, murmuring her name through the wood. No response. My hand reached for the handle, tugged it until the door clicked open. I peeked inside, at the dim dark that disguised everything but the barest silhouette. All screens were completely shut off. 

"Zazu?" I called out, moving inside. My hand trembled along the wall for the light switch, fumbling across its plastic shape after a few moments. I called her name again, right as I flicked the switch. Light flooded the room from the dingy overhead lamp, casting away the shadows. I saw clearly, now, the bundled shape beneath the covers. 

Smiling, I refrained from stepping further inside. No need to wake Zuri if she finally managed to rest. 

Mother of matter knows she stressed enough. 

Because I was a good non-biological big-sister, I made sure the lump actually moved up and down in a rhythmic, breathing motion before I flicked the lamp off and stepped outside again. I knew Zuri — she was smart, and would under the right circumstances without a doubt shove some pillows under her cover and sneak out, if she believed it was the right thing. 


Before I made my way back to the kitchen, I went upstairs and checked on Lila, Dexter and Cole. They were tucked in their respective beds, softly clutching their covers. Once finished with the round, I went into the kitchen again. It was a startling sight, seeing Josh so casually hanging by my dinner table, nursing a glass of water. 

"You don't have anything stronger?" asked Josh, nodding to the glass. 

"Sorry. Kid-friendly environment," I said, " — besides, I'd never want to rush across rooftops at night after downing a shot." 

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