author's note

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author's note

oh GOD. Here I am once more, at the end of another book. At the end of this series. My third book. I don't know if people still do these types of notes, but it's kind of a tradition for me, so I'll continue. First of all —


— for allowing me to do what I love, which is write and create these fantastical words that people actually seem to enjoy, and support. It's still crazy to me, and so fulfilling to see your support, your kind words. It's even more insane for me to realize that I have finished my third book. I have written three  actual, kind-of-real books. That's — well, that's insane. And so much has happened since the first one, not just development-wise, but in my own life. I frickin' graduated. Got my license. Ran a half-marathon (!?). Experienced a pandemic (not that I'd count that as an accomplishment, but insane nonetheless.) 

Through it all, I've always come back to the writing. I think I always will come back to the writing, because that's a part of me I won't be able to fulfill in any other way. It's more than a creative outlet — it's a kind of therapy, honestly, where I can lose myself for hours in the worlds created. Maybe that's the most insane part, to me. That I did this, on my own. I very seldom talk about my writing to the people I know, and most of my friends are completely unaware of it (save for a small, incredible group). To me, that doesn't matter — because that larger group of friends doesn't understand it, not in the same way the people on this site do. Can't explain it in a better way than that, so you guys will have to take it. 

With that said, I think I'll go celebrate with some chocolate, or whatever's left in the kitchen after my brother swept through it. 

xo, cleo

xo, cleo

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