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(a/n: dedicated to mara_cleia for being a true stan and leaving amazing comments!! MCUH LOVE) 


PROFESSOR HYDE had not been kidding when she said we'd have a soil-filled (soiled?) summer. I had been thinking we'd have one or two smaller samples to analyze, or categorize, or whatever. I had been very, very wrong in my line of thinking, which sucked. 

My fingernails were coated in dirt. I looked like I'd dug my way out of a grave. Most likely my own, which was where I'd end up if I had to suffer any more of Maddy's small talk. 

Way to be nice, Leona. 

We'd first toured the Fokine building, and though I had a sharp memory I found it hard to remember exactly which steely, glass-covered hallways led where after a dozen different turns. Professor Hyde knew exactly where to go, and despite it being her usual place of work I still found it incredible. After a thorough tour, we'd gotten to work. 

Now, I would be lying if I said I was the most scientifically reliable scientist out there, but I could measure, pour and analyze adequately. The first day, however, we'd only been directed to a few large piles of dirt and told to portion out sample sizes to be used for further testing. 

So we did. For the entire day. 

Don't complain, Leona. You're getting money out of this. It's an actual job where you're not jumping around, wearing spandex and sweating to correct your seriously skewed moral compass. 

I kept my complaints to myself, and settled for digging into — literally — the pile of dirt. The soundtrack of the day was Josh being peppered by Maddy's bubbly voice, and responding with polite, perfectly nice answers. I heard laughter ringing out a few times from the pile beside mine.

They seem to hit it off, I'd thought to myself, stealing a quick glance. How romantic of them to dig in the same soil pile. Great first date. 

Yes, my grandchildren. That's where I first met him — my great love — right beside a pile of shitty earth! How romantic, right? 

My diaphragm needed to work overtime to keep my laughter contained when I'd cracked that one. It was such a shame that I was so funny, yet my strong hatred for human interaction cancelled out that gift. 


My one-liners kept me sane for the rest of the day, though I vowed to bring my headset the following day of work. 

"Guys — great job today!" Professor Hyde had exclaimed, right as the clock struck six, "You've earned the time to go home and relax. I'll stay here, finish up." She smiled, tipped her head toward us, " - but you're officially done for the day."

"Are you sure you wouldn't like any more help, Professor?" Madde batted her eyelashes, nearly wiggling like a puppy. Always eager to please. 

"No, I'll be fine." Hyde waved it off, " - I'm sure you'll pull some overtime here, sooner rather than later. You should appreciate the time off while you can."

"Will do." Maddy beamed back, slinging her bag over her shoulder. 

I hadn't wanted to be rude, but I was already dressed and nearly had my foot out of the door. When the boss told you to leave, you left. 

Does that make me lazy?

Either way, I didn't leave immediately. I didn't know why, but I stayed for just a moment. Maddy's eyes found my hovering figure, and her smile seemed to grow even wider. 

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