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(a/n: dedicated to Jennia20276 for the terrific support! much much appreciated by yours truly <3 hopefully you'll continue enjoying the story ;D)


ZAZU WAS hard at work attempting to track down more of the mysterious crates Mistress so desired. I had to actively refrain from barging into her room at my own will, as anxious as she was to get the situation properly handled. Most importantly, to get the kids safe again. 

Not that they're too worried about it, I mused, watching them out of the corner of my eyes. I'd even made dinner (despite having a serious culinary deficiency.) They'd munched that up quickly, before I'd forced them away from the kitchen to do something else. They were sequestered in a corner of the living room, hunched over a board game which elicited the occasional shouts. 

Meanwhile, I stood scrubbing the post-dinner dishes, as all good thieves and superhumans did. 

If only Mistress could see her mighty opponent now.  Elbow-deep in soap and leftovers. What a sight.

It was better than having the kids taken away from me, though. I glanced toward the kids again, watching as they launched pillows at each other's heads. Lila sat back, ever the big sister, and shook her head while bright laughs burst out of her. Dexter didn't spare his sister a single glance, and focused instead on pummeling his best friend into the ground. Poor Cole didn't stand a chance, really. 

I took pity on him. 

"Kids." I called, wiping my hands on the kitchen towel, "Sleepy time. Time to catch some Z's." 

"You can't catch letters," replied Dexter. He was frowning, "- that's stupid." 

I smiled gently, throwing the towel back onto the kitchen table as I moved toward them, "Then you must be calling me stupid? Do you really think I'm stupid, Dex?" 

A delighted grin spread across his face as he started to back away. I crept a little closer, a mischievous look in my eyes as I reached for him. It took only a second for Dex to squeal and bolt out of the room, practically flying up the stairs. Shifting my eyes at the other two kids, they were quick to follow. 

I wasn't surprised they weren't tired. It wasn't their bedtime, after all, but I wanted to usher them into bed so that I could get on with the Nymph business. A glance at my smart watch told me Zazu hadn't forwarded any updates, which made irritation crackle in my mind. Not at Zazu, no, but at our lack of progression. I felt as if my time with the kids was running out, like sand sifting through an hourglass. 

You can't have that mindset, Leo. Stop it. 

This once, I'd have to agree with my subconscious. It would be better if I completely flipped the emotional switch and let a more level-headed, logic version take charge. Inhaling deeply, I tipped my head toward the ceiling. I could feel the light drumming of a headache starting somewhere in my head, something that would for sure blow up into a formidable migraine the more I worried. 

Quit it, Leo. 

"Leo! L-e-e-e-o!" called a voice from the second floor, " - come up and help us catch some Z's!" I heard childish snickers follow the shout, then the padding of small feet on hardwood floors. My worries melted away, if only for a second. 

I started up the stairs, shoving my worries aside for now. They ended up in the corner of my mind, and would remain there until I decided to slip into Nymph's costume and head onto the streets. 

Halfway up the stairs, I glanced at my fingers: yellow light weaved its way across my palm, then whirled snake-like around each of my fingers. I had always had to fight hard to keep a lid on my temper, and as I grew my that lid had had to accommodate my powers, too. My recent worries were no help. 

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