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(a/n: dedicated to ILykeTrains for the support <3)


"WHAT THE HELL?" breathed Maddy. Her mouth remained open, while Josh and I stared at her. She didn't move, keeping perfectly still, "What the actual hell?" It seemed Maddy had gone into a loop. 

Finally. Cosmic balance, I've been waiting for this. 

Or maybe not, considering she'd gone into a loop because she'd just found out that I was Nymph — villain and super-bad-person extraordinaire. 

Damn it, cosmic powers at work. 

"Are you high, Leo? Are you drunk? What the hell are you saying? What the hell?" The last part was a dozen octaves higher, little more than a squeak. While Maddy's eyes were wide, shocked, they held fear. Genuine fear. 

"What are you doing here?" Was all I managed. I didn't glance at Josh, but as my face didn't feel like it was melting off I assumed he'd managed to put a lid on his feelings. 

"I just — I just followed you guys," Maddy glanced down, at the broken remains of the E-flask. I narrowed my eyes at her. 

Oh yeah, sure. 

"Why did you follow us, Maddy?" 

"Because, because ... I'd help you." She mumbled the last part, eyes remaining on the shards of glass on the floor, " — with the, with the ... thing."

"Right," I drawled, annoyance prickling in my mind. 

I can't reveal my identity to my enemy without anyone interrupting? What's with this place? 

"Hey — you're not the one who should be freaked out. I am." Maddy looked up, eyes blazing. It had little impact as her knees were shaking, "What the hell, Leo? You're Nymph? You're a criminal?"

I shrugged, "Yeah." 

I mean, a furious Josh? I could deal with that. A shell-shocked, shaking Maddy?

I'll pass. 

"Since when?" 

I deadpanned her, "Since Nymph started." 

"So you've been a ... a ... Nymph, all along," Maddy breathed, a hand flying to her head, "Oh, boy. Oh, Jesus." 

"It's actually Nymph," I informed her. Maddy shot me a dirty look, then returned to hyperventilating. 

Where do we even go from here?

"But ... but you work with Mistress," gasped Maddy between coughing breaths.

"Not anymore. I did." I shrugged again. 

"But you're evil." 

"I'm a thief, yeah. I'd say evil is in the eye of the beholder." 

Josh scoffed, and my eyes shot to his. He'd crossed his arms over his chest, eyes smoldering with a quiet, furious intensity. His entire entity practically shook, telling me all I'd need to know of the ass beating he'd gladly deliver later. 

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