starting of Cullen and Swan paranormal

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Bella pov

We we're buying all the equipment that we needed for our paranormal group.

Our new group name was Cullen and Swan paranormal.

Chuck quit his job and bought his own truck and only does local jobs here.

Judy and Chuck decided to move up here and become a permanent part of our paranormal team.

It has Edward, me, my dad, our son, Chuck and Judy that's it. Mason only has to go with us, because we can't leave him with no one, because of the threat of Renee still out there.

Edward got rid of Mike spirit. It was a little harder to get rid of Victoria and James but we did.

As for the other bad spirit, Edward sealed the portals. So we don't have activities anymore.

Mason pick a bedroom on the third floor. Which we don't mind.

Plus we picked a date for our wedding. April 25. Its spring and we're going to have it here on the property.

Today Mason, Judy and my dad were coming with me to pick out my dress and Judy's dress. She was going to be my maid of honor.

We only had one month to go before our wedding. But we were having a small wedding. Only family and friends. Not a lot of people at all.

We found our dresses and they we're perfect. Now Judy and I we're going to store to get everything we need to make the cake and all the food.

Judy and I was going to do all the baking and cooking from scratch. Plus we our going to the craft store and the florist to get everything.

My dress was going to Judy's house. We we're going crazy on the decorations.

We we're going to have glass small bowl with floating flowers in them with candles in the middle.

They we're going to be beautiful. Then we picked out the flower garland.

Yes the colors were purple and green. I know odd colors but they were my favorite colors.

I was thinking about the  dresses when we we're looking at arches. I first thought about the Judy dress.

It was beautiful how the colors blended together. Then I thought about my dress.

It was beautiful and we we're going to add our own details to it to make it better.

Then I found the perfect arch.

So it made picking the Bouquet's out easy.

We had everything we needed, so now we we're headed to my house to put everything away.

I had the walk in freezer in the basement so that helped out a lot.

"What you guys do, buy out the stores?" Edward asked. Judy and I looked at each other and just laughed.

"I'm glad you guys find this funny." He said. "Well at least we got everything we needed for the wedding. All that's got to be done is you guys got to get suits and one for Mason." I told him.

"You do know I hate you right now." He said. "No you don't. Besides you asked me to marry you, so suck it up buddy, your wearing a suit, just like I got to wear a dress, which I hate by the way." I gave him a quick kiss before walking into the house with a bag of groceries.

Mason come running into the kitchen and I set the bags of groceries down and picked up Mason in my arms.

"Did you have fun with daddy while I was gone?" I asked him. "I did. Me and daddy played hide and seek. Plus he let me help him pack all the stuff for oh what he call it, oh yeah in vest i gate ion." I giggled.

"That's right son. But that's a big word for you and I'm proud of you. Did you get any school work done today?" Mason put down his head.

"Mason, you know you can't go to school and I have to home school you. I put your work on your desk every morning for you to do. You can't keep doing this. Now I want you to go get your school work done now." I put him down.

"No TV tonight Mason." I told him. "Yes mommy." I watch as he walked past his dad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you home school him." Edward told me. "Maybe I should punish you to." I said being a smart ass.

Edward laughed. "I like to see you try." He told me as he walked up and tried to kiss me. I dodged him and laughed as I walked back out the door.

"SWAN YOU PLAY DIRTY." I held my stomach and laughed even harder. "Who says I have to play fair?" I asked myself but it only made Judy laugh this time.

"God I love living here. Besides I love to see how your going to punish Edward." Judy said. At this point I had to hang on to the car because I was laughing so hard.

We finally got everything inside and put away but Judy and I couldn't stop laughing.

Every time we go to look at each other we end up starting all over again.

"What is so funny?" Edward asked leaning against the doorway for the kitchen.

"Oh just figuring out how to punish you." Judy said and we were laughing again.

"Okay! I'm going to make sure Mason doing his school then." That just made us laugh even harder.

We finally got dinner started. But I made sure I put a plate of food in the microwave for my dad because he was working late tonight.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Myers does

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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