Chapter 3

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"Is the king crazy!?" Rapunzel asks stunned by the announcement. I stay quiet and shrug. She sighs. "Now let's get back to where we are." She smiles. I internally groan. "So you haven't had any motivation to be going on dates?" She asks. "No, I just have no motivation to go on dates with guys, every time I get asked I just say no......I just don't want anything to end like the last one." I shiver remembering what happened even though she doesn't know what really went between in my last boyfriend. She nods and writes it down in her notebook. "We're done here. I'll have a chat with your parents about our next session." She smiles standing up. Nodding I thank her for our time together even though it was a waste and leave going back to my room. I'm never gonna get over this and of course it's me who has to go through it. Sighing I get to my room and sit down on my bed and just feel numb. I hate doing these therapy sessions they always make me feel numb, and sick to my stomach.

Laying down I bury myself under the blankets of my bed and just think about everything and just slowly drift off to sleep. "Alexis wake up." I feel someone shake me and I groan. "Alexis it's dinner, and you slept through the lunch." Ben's voice rings though my ears. "Fuck dinner I'm staying in bed." I mumble rolling on my side. "No Alexis let's go now. You know how Mom and Dad will get if you skip meals again." He says. Groaning I get out of bed and leave my room with Ben. We walk the cafeteria and get our food. Sitting down together like normal we eat and talk. "So Audrey doesn't seem to happy with having the new kids come." I say breaking the silence. "She'll get over it. Hopefully." Ben sighs and rubs his temples. "You're very set on this then? You have no regrets making this decision?" I ask eating mash potatoes. "Yes, I'm very set on this decision." He smiles slightly. "Good, don't let anyone change your mind on this." I smile back. "Thanks Alexis."

I nod and Audrey walks over to us and sits down huffing. "I can't believe your father is actually letting Isle kids come here that's ridiculous! They're gonna ruin our peaceful school." She rants. "Well I think it's a good idea Audrey, it's time for a new change in our lives here." Ben says. She rolls her eyes and then looks at me. "Alexis how would you like to try out for cheerleading? I could use someone like you." She smiles. I shake my head no and continue eating my food. She sighs and mumbles something about how would be the best asset to their team. "Audrey, she said "no" please respect my sister's decision." Ben says. She nods slowly and then leaves to see Jane and Lonnie.

"How was therapy?" He asks lowly so no one can hear. "Alright." I shrug. He nods. "I don't wanna do it anymore it's painful to talk about and I've talked to Mom and Dad about quitting, but they won't." I sigh. "I mean I understand why they don't want you to quit they want you to get better and the only way to get better is to continue to do these therapy sessions." He explains. I nod knowing him and Mom and Dad are right. "Yeah I guess. I'm gonna go to bed." I stand up. "I'll wake up tomorrow." He smiles. I nod and smile. "Thanks. Goodnight." I yawn slightly. "Goodnight." He nods. I leave and go to my room and remove my makeup and dress putting on comfier clothes and lay in bed falling asleep.

((Next Day))

"Alexis, time to get up! It's the day!" Ben says shaking me. Groaning I slowly sit up and rub my eyes. "I'm up I'm up." I yawn. He chuckles. "I'll meet you outside with everyone else." He smiles. I nod and get out of bed and grab my outfit and go to the bathroom and get change. Getting into my outfit I do my makeup and brush my knotty hair and then just leave it down naturally because I don't like doing stuff to my hair. Spraying my vanilla and rose perfume I leave the bathroom and make my bed quickly and put my matching heels on.

((Alexis's dress and shoes!!))

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((Alexis's dress and shoes!!))

((Alexis's dress and shoes!!))

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((Alexis's makeup!!))

Leaving my room I walk into Mom and Dad. "Sorry." I say. "It's fine Alexis." They smile and hug me good morning and I hug back. "Rapunzel told us how the session went." Mom says. I nod slowly. "You're slowly making progress, she says not a lot but it's getting there." Dad says. "I's just hard. I'm scared the more I talk about it that I'll get nightmares about it." I mumble. "We know sweetie, but we want you to get pass him." Mom says rubbing my arms. "I know and I'm trying, but I feel like I won't be able to." I explain. "Nonsense, you'll be able to get through this it's just gonna take time." Dad explains. I nod and take a deep breath. "Time will only tell then." I say. "Yes it will." They say. I nod again and walk with them to get to where Ben and the Fairy Godmother are. "We love your dress." Mom smiles taking in my dress. "Thank you." I smile back

Well lot's happening!! And yes don't worry the villains will be in the next chapter!! I promise!! I know that's what you guys been waiting for!! And I hope Alexis gets through these therapy sessions poor girl!! Please comment and vote!!

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