Chapter 16

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"Good luck in Tourney today Jay, I know you'll win." She smiles. "Oh uh thanks!" I say shock as I was not expecting that all. "You're welcome Jay." She smiles some more and leaves with Nugget and she gives her some treats and Nugget wags her tail crazily. Not gonna lie that's a very cute puppy and the name is defiantly adorable. Going to my next class I sit down and just listen to the boring speech and count down the minutes until I beat Chad's ass in Tourney and have him run around the field. Finally our classes finish and we go down to the Tourney field and see Alexis already there with Nugget and Carlos looking at her. He walks over and I kinda hear him and he apologies to her and she says it's fine and shows him that puppies aren't as bad as his mom said they were. He gets all happy and continues to let Nugget.

Once he leaves we go over to the team and get ready. Ben explains the rules and Chad glares at us which makes Carlos and me high five each other. Soon tryout starts and we just do what the coach asks us to do. Once practice is over Coach Jenkins calls over and gives us a speech about how well we all did and he already has the team made up. He starts calling out names. "Ben and Chad! You made it to team!" Ben nods and Chad fist pumps the air. "And the last two spots go to Carlos and Jay!!" He says handing us shirts and gear. Mal and Evie run down cheering for us. "We're so proud of you!" Evie squeals hugging them and Mal just nods. We thank them and Alexis comes over and stands next to Ben. "Congrats Jay and Carlos! I knew you guys would make it." She smiles at us. "Thanks." We say. She nods and Chad stomps over. "How can Coach Jenkins let you guys in! You're villains!" He huffs getting in their faces. "Chad stop it! It was fair and square." Alexis says glaring at him. "SHUT UP ALEXIS NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR DAMN OPINION!" He yells at her and gets ready to slap her and I step in grabbing his arm. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Chad." I say seriously with a threatening voice. She looks at me slightly shock. Chad glares a him. "You got lucky." Chad spits. "Awww what's the matter Chaddykins? Upset that you lost the bet?" I ask pouting like a kid and Alexis laughs at the nickname. Chad glares at her. "Watch it Alexis." He snaps at her. "Leave her alone." I say getting close to his face. "And if I were you, I'd better start running your ten laps. Don't want to be out at night now would we?" I raise an eyebrow.

He glares breaking his hand free of my grip and starts running. Ben leaves to go see his parents and Evie, Mal and Carlos went to go celebrate and I see Alexis standing there. "Thanks for telling Chad off for me." She whispers. "You're welcome Alexis." I nod. She looks up at me with a small shock expression. "What?" I ask. "I didn't know you cared about Auradon kids." She answers. "'re an exception." I smile and look down at Nugget who's wagging her tail. "You wanna give her a treat?" Alexis asks with a smile. "Sure." I say. She nods and gets a treat out and hands me one. "Tell her to sit and give you paw." She instructs. Nodding I do just what she told me and Nugget listens. Laughing slightly I give her the treat and she eats it right up. "Ha, Evie was right, she is a cutie." I say. Alexis laughs and I laugh too. Wow her laugh is so cute and contagious. "Again congrats on making it to the team." She says. "Thanks Alexis and thank you." I smile. "For what?" She asks. "For being genuinely nice to us villains." I say. "You're welcome." She smiles. We talk for a bit more and then we go our separate ways.

**Time Skip To A Four Of Weeks**

Alexis's Pov

It's been weeks since the villains came and they're amazingly fun and we've gotten closer and Ben's been with Mal and I'm pretty sure they're dating now, but I'm not entirely sure. Meanwhile I'm still struggling with my past lately it's been acting up like crazy and I don't know why, I cry myself to sleep every night now, and I haven't really been sleeping right or leaving my room. I've been in my room since two days after the Tourney tryouts and I know everyone is worried Evie is, so is Carlos, Ben and my parents and maybe Jay, but I'm not counting on it. It really sucks, I think I'm falling for Jay, but I know he wouldn't go for a princess and besides he's a villain and I'm a princess and my parents aren't happy with Ben and Mal's relationship. Sighing I lay in bed and can't sleep again, so I get out of bed and look in my room and I look like a complete mess. I hate myself so much, I look ugly right now I'm not fit to be a princess anymore not after him.

Leaving my room I walk around the school and just wonder why I'm not good enough to be with someone or why I can't date. My parents were right I'm a wreck I've changed and I haven't been around people for two weeks. Arriving in the music room of the castle I walk in and see the beautiful piano I haven't played for a while. Going to the piano I sit down and run my fingers on the keys and start playing a song and start singing.


I don't look like her
She's in all the magazines
So much prettier than me
You don't know it hurts
Staring at my iPhone screen
Watching others live their dream

But mama, she said to me
(Mama she said)
One day my love.. you'll see

Pretty's on the inside
See it in your own eyes
Look a little closer in the mirror tonight
Pretty's on the inside
But I can't tell my own mind
Maybe if I look a little harder, I'll find
That pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside

I don't like myself
But maybe it's all in my head
And I am not the words I've said
These images they sell
Maybe none of it is real
And I could love the way I feel

Cuz mama, she said to me..
(Mama she said)
One day I swear you'll see

Pretty's on the inside
See it in your own eyes
Look a little closer in the mirror tonight
The pretty's on the inside
But I can't tell my own mind
Maybe if I look a little harder, I'll find
That pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside

Cuz mama, she said to me..
Don't live in jealousy
And mama she said to me
You'll see it eventually

The pretty's on the inside
See it in your own eyes
Look a little closer in the mirror tonight
The pretty's on the inside
But I can't tell my own mind
Maybe if I look a little harder, I'll find
The pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside

Finishing the song, I take a deep breath and just stare at the keys. Why can't I just be normal with a normal life and be happy all the time and not some of the time?

Well a lot has happen in this chapter!! Jay and Carlos won the bet!! Alexis and Jay are getting close and standing up for each other which I think is so sweet!! And I feel so bad for her right now! She just wants to be happy!! And I love this song it's so inspiring and cute!! Please comment and vote!!

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