Chapter 14

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Soon class starts right after Jay and Evie take their seats which happens to be behind mine. Writing notes I listen to the teacher and she looks at my desk and sees Nugget laying there and mumbles something about using dad's power to get what I want. Sighing I ignore her and continue writing my stuff down. Once I'm finish I look at Nugget who's by my bag and I smile at her. Such a good girl. Our teacher walks over and gives us an assignment for the rest of class which makes me groan inside of course. Doing the paper after she hands me if I immediately start doing it so I can get it done.

Once I finish up and turn my paper in I leave with Nugget and go to my locker so I can put my books away in my locker. Arriving to my locker I open the door and place my books in it. "Oh my word Alexis! You're doggie is so cute!" Looking over my locker I see Evie and Jay walking over to me. "Oh thank you, my parents finally got one after I asked for like since I can remember." I explain picking Nugget up. "What it's name?" She asks petting her softly. "Her name is Nugget." I smile warmly at them. "Awww that's so sweet! I love it so much." Evie says as I let her hold Nugget. "Isn't she just the cutest Jay?" Evie asks as she continues to pet her. Jay looks at Evie and back at Nugget and just nods slowly. "Oh sure." Evie pouts at Jay and then shrugs it off.

"I think she's a beautiful dog and the name is just too cute!" She smiles and hands me Nugget back. "Thanks Evie." I smile. "You're welcome!" She smiles. I nod and put Nugget down and let her sniff around and ends up sniffing around Jay and he just watches her carefully. "Here's my fashion book Alexis, I was hoping you could look through them and pick some out that you think I should create." She smiles handing me her book. "Thanks Evie, I defiantly will." I smile and put it in my bag. We talk for a while and Audrey comes over and purposely bumps into Evie causing her books to fall out of her hands. Audrey laughs and I roll my eyes and pick up Evie's books for her and Jay looks at Evie and then back at me as I pick the books up. "Here Evie." I hand them back. "Thanks Alexis, you didn't have to." She says. "No worries." I smile and shut my locker and see Nugget rolling around the floor.

Evie and I continue talking and while we are I see Jay looking at me slightly and I just ignore it and continue to talk with Evie. "Oh by the way Evie I really like your hair." I smile. "Oh thanks Alexis! I actually thought about changing it to fit in yesterday when I saw everyone staring at it." She explains playing with her hair. "Ooh no, please don't do that, I love your hair just the way it is." I smile. She smiles and hugs me tightly. "Aww thanks! It means a lot to me." I hug back and nod. "Come in Evie, Mal wanted us to meet her in your guys dorm." Jay says touching Evie's shoulder. She nods and pets Nugget one last time and leaves with Jay. Leaving my locker I see Ben talking with mom and dad and they're laughing about something. Walking over they see me and smile at me. "You really are enjoying having her aren't you?" Dad asks petting Nugget's fur. I nod and kiss her head. "We're so glad to hear that. Has it helped with the anxiety yet?" Mom asks. "A little, I think..." I explain. They nod. "Again thanks for her I really appreciate it a lot." I hug them both. "You're welcome Alexis." They hug back. "And Ben how's the villains?" Mom asks. "They're doing great, I think....all I know is that Evie seems to love being around you sis." Ben says nudging me slightly. I give a small smile. "Yeah, she's really sweet for a villain Ben." He nods agreeing with me.

"And she really has an eye for fashion." I state. He nods with a small laugh. "You're going to therapy?" Dad asks. "I don't want to, but I guess I can." I shrug and leave heading to Rapunzel's room. Walking in she's waiting for me. Sitting down we immediately get started on it and it's the normal blah blah blah and if I'm taking pills and I say yes even though I didn't take them today since I wasn't really hungry. Once we finish up I leave with Nugget and head to my room and just take a nap because I'm tired and Nugget snuggles up to and it makes me happy. Holding her close I get Evie's book and just look through it at the different outfits and wow just wow they're amazing!

While I'm looking through them my door opens an closes. "Oh good you're looking at the dresses! What do you think!?" Looking up I see Evie smiling. "Oh I love them Evie! You definitely have an eye for fashion." I smile at her. "Oh thank you so much!" She squeals and sits on my bed next to me. "Did you pick any favourites?" She asks. Nodding I show her which ones I liked the most and she nods. "Okay awesome! I'll defiantly make these real." She smiles. I nod and hand her her book back. "Thanks." She smiles. "You're welcome." I smile. We talk for a bit and Evie pets Nugget while she's sleeping. "You ready tomorrow?" She asks.

"What's tomorrow?" I raise an eyebrow being slightly confused. "The uh tourney tryouts." She smiles. "Oh right, I kinda forget about it." I laugh slightly. She laughs too. "We're all going, because you see Carlos and Jay try out and hope they beat Chad in his bet." Evie explains. "Ooh right." I nod. "Are you gonna come?" She asks with hope.

Well Evie and Alexis are having a great friendship going!! Only if we can Alexis and Jay to talk then we can get it started!! And the bet will be happening!! Let's see who wins!! Jay and Carlos!? Or Chad!? Please comment and vote!!

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