Chapter 12

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"Who's the captain?" Evie asks. "I am of course." Ben nods in her direction. She nods. "What's going on here?" Chad asks walking over to us. Seeing Chad I grab Ben's arm and tense and stay behind Ben. Ben gives me a certain look and I just don't look anywhere particular just at the floor. "I'm explaining tourney to Carlos and Jay." Ben answers. "You can't really be telling me you're gonna allow them to try out for the team." Chad asks nodding his head to Carlos and Jay. "So what if I am?" Ben asks facing Chad fully. "Because they're gonna ruin everything with their wicked ways." Chad spits glaring at them.

My body tenses even more and I feel eyes on me and I shift my eyes to see Jay somewhat looking at me and I don't care I still hold onto Ben's arm tightly. "It's my decision Chad, if you don't like it then you can get off the team." Ben threatens. "I'm the best team player you'll ever have." Chad says looking back at Ben. Ben's about to say something when Jay steps in smirking at Chad. "Oh is that so? You think Carlos and I would mess up the team? How about we make this fun, Carlos and I will try out for team, if we get in on the team you have to do ten laps around the field." Jay smirks crossing his arms. "You're on and if you don't make it on the team then you guys have jump into the enchanted lake in the morning." Chad leans back getting cocky. "Alright then." Jay laughs slightly and high fives Carlos. "You'll be eating that." Chad says leaving. Ben and I look at each other and I relax now that he's gone. "I'll see you later Ben at our sibling hang." I hug him. "Alrighty Alexis." He hugs back. Grabbing my bag I walk pass everyone and go to the last class of the day. Sitting down I get my books ready and let the teacher start teaching.

Writing the notes down I add some colour to them to help me study for this and slowly feel my body shake. Uh oh no no no not now. Holding onto my desk I raise my other hand and wait for the teacher to call on me. "Yes Alexis?" She asks. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask trying to keep my voice from shaking. "Yes you may." She answers. Getting up immediately I walk to the bathroom, but end up running into someone falling. "I I I'm sorry." I trying to get up, but I start shaking slowly. "It's um alright." I look up seeing Jay looking down at me. Getting up and not trying to be rude I run pass Jay and get into the bathroom and start having a anxiety attack and just freak out.

Come on Alexis, get yourself together you're gonna be okay! Holding onto the bathroom sinks I breathe in and out slowly calming myself. Once I think I'm better I come out of the bathroom and realize I missed all of class. Sighing I go to the classroom grabbing my bag and leave going to my room. Dragging my bag on the floor I walk pass the villains and I don't even care if they're watching me. Making it to my room I throw my book bag on the chair and sit down pushing my hair back. Some time passes and Ben comes in. "Ready for our sibling day?" He asks. Nodding I stand up and we leave going to wherever Ben has planned for us.

Walking through the school we just talk about random stuff and I don't tell him about the anxiety attack I have knowing it'll be better. While we walk I watch some couples of Auradon and I look away and I feel Ben rub my arm. "It's okay Alexis." He says. I nod slowly and lean into his embrace. We make it to a restaurant and sit down. "Order whatever you want." He smiles. Nodding I smile back and look at the menu. Once I know what I want I close the menu placing it down on the table and just wait. Soon the waiter comes with a smile. "What can I get you guys?" She smiles. We give our orders and she nods leaving us to wait. She comes back moments later and hands us our food. We thank her and start eating the delicious  food and talk some more about random stuff. "This has been amazing. Thanks Ben." I smile slightly. "You're welcome Alexis, I'm glad we could do this." He smiles back. Finishing the food we leave after paying and walk back to school.

While we're walking we see our parents. "Oh Alexis! We want to show you something!" Mom and Dad smile at us. Ben and I share a look. "Go on Alexis." Ben smiles. Nodding I hug him goodbye and we walk to my parents room. We get to their room and I sit down. "So what did you guys want to show me?" I ask. "So we know you've been wanting this for a while, and your father and I decided to get you one not only because you asked, but because we think it could help with your anxiety, so you can take it to your classes the teachers can't say a word about it." Mom smiles. Raising an eyebrow I'm slightly confused on what they're talking about. "We got you a puppy." Dad smiles bringing out a Golden Retriever puppy. "Oh my goodness is soo cute!! Thank you so much!!" I smile hugging them tightly. "You're welcome Brynn, you can name her." Mom smiles as they hug back. "Nugget." I smile picking her up. She licks my face. I smile warmly at the puppy. "It's pretty, we like it." They smile. Nodding I kiss her soft fur gently.

((A picture of Nugget!! But imagine her a little smaller!!))

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((A picture of Nugget!! But imagine her a little smaller!!))

And Alexis's got her puppy!!! Isn't she the cutest!! Her parents are so sweet!! And Ben and Alexis's sibling relationship is amazing!! Please comment and vote!!

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